
- Titolo link 1: I-DEA digital platform
- Url link 1:
- Artists:
Mario Cresci
Virgilio Sieni
Navine G. Khan Dossos & James Bridle
Liam Gillick & Pelin Tan - Evento:
Archive of Archives: A voyage through the collections of Basilicata
“The archive has always been a pledge, and like every pledge a token of the future.” Jacques Derrida, Archive Fever.
I-DEA is a project of Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 that explores the archives and collections of Basilicata from an artistic perspective. I-DEA is an experiment in how archives and collections can be understood as living entities through which the stratified complexity of a region’s history and culture can be interpreted.
Five artists and designers with research-based practices have been invited to guest curate five consecutive and overlapping exhibitions using the archive as a starting point. Drawing on seemingly disparate documents and materials, the artists were invited to delve into the archives and formulate their own readings in the form of temporary exhibitions.
The I-DEA research team began building up the foundations of the project based on an early study by the University of Basilicata mapping archives and collections in the region. Over the course of several months, the team visited dozens of these: from large public archives to small private collections and everything in-between. The aim throughout has been to maintain an inquisitive approach towards the shifting question of what constitutes an archive or collection over time and across space.
The project will adopt and follow a process of accumulation. After the inaugural exhibition, each artist will be invited to add, re-arrange and subtract from the material already installed in the space by the previous curator. In this way, I-DEA will become a collective performance in constant flux. Visitors will watch as new artists come in and re-arrange the space, each introducing their own research and yet allowing for the unexpected and the dynamic to come about during the final steps.
The idea of accumulation is related to the interchangeability of the archives. I-DEA has therefore adopted an open and modular exhibition design system, designed by the Open Design School, in order to introduce a fluid, non-didactic spirit to the curation of archival and collection materials.
The I-DEA project space will evolve throughout 2019 in the form of exhibitions, performances, workshops, publications, and a growing online platform.
Open Design School

- Immagine progetto:
- Titolo link 1: Open Design School blog
- Url link 1:
- Artists:
Lukas Wegwerth, designer
Designer, architects, various artists
- Evento:
An international workshop serving the community and creative scene
Imagine a middle ground between Silicon Valley and the Bauhaus. All of this is at Casino Padula, in the Le Piane district, a suburb of Matera, symbol of a firm agreement between the residents and the town planners who found themselves redesigning the city in the post-war period. In the wake of this tradition, Open Design School was born from an idea by Joseph Grima.
It is a hive of ideas where teachers and students of the world can meet and design the essential concepts for the Matera 2019 preparations.
School because it is an opportunity to learn points of view, trades and cultures. Learning takes place between peers. A committee comprising, from time to time, a team of professionals with the most diverse stories behind them: the important thing is that each work group is one third foreign nationals, one third Italians and one third Matera citizens.
Design because this is the workshop watchword. The teams invent, prototype and build creative and technological solutions to be made available to the event planners who will take charge of the exhibitions for Matera: European Capital of Culture.
Open because every phase of the work actively involves residents and encourages them to participate.
Every second Saturday the School hosts a workshop open to the public, whilst Friday evenings alternate between debate and an opportunity for the team to discuss the work in progress with the community and ask for feedback. For August 2019 there will be an international Summer Camp based on themes of design and self-builds.
The Poetry of Primes

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Polo Museale della Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Immagine condivisione Facebook:
- Sponsor:
Sponsor tecnico: Coldiretti Basilicata
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Scientific Director:
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
'We are a divine race and possess creative power', wrote the great mathematician Richard Dedekind in a letter in 1888. The atmosphere of excitement and euphoria combined with spiritual and intellectual audacity that only ingenious mathematical thought can create is the same process that will fire the imagination in Matera and Metaponto from June to November 2019.
Apollo Soundtrack

- Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
Icebreaker, United Kingdom
B.J. Cole, United Kingdom
Special guest: Gyda Valtysdottir, Iceland and Roger Eno, United Kingdom - Sponsor:
- Evento:
In July 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin achieved one of the most remarkable feats in the history of mankind: landing the Apollo Lunar Module on the surface of the moon. The whole world was glued to the television, clutching newspapers when the Apollo module touched down on the land that poets had only envisaged in their wildest dreams.
Quantum Danza

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
CERN of Geneva, Switzerland
Space Geodesy Centre of Matera, Italy
Doppiozero, Italy
Trieste ESOF 2020 European City of Science, Italy
- Evento:
Quantum mechanics and art: a Nobel Award-winning pair! In this project, led by the CERN of Geneva and the Centre for Space Geodesy, sub-atomic particles and electronic music will perform a waltz in an original production.

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
"Conservatory of Music “E. R. Duni" of Matera”, Italy
Space Geodesy Center, Italy
Capodimonte Observatory, Italy
Astronomical Observatory of Castelgrande, Italy
Doppiozero, Italy
SisInfLab – Laboratorio di Sistemi Informatici – Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Trieste ESOF 2020 European City of Science, Italy - Artists:
MaterElettrica, Italy
Murcof, Mexico
Scientists: Tommaso Dinoia, Giorgio Dragoni, Franco Farinelli, Luigi Borzacchini, Giuseppe Bianco, Matteo Meschiari - Evento:
Onda is multidisciplinary: sound, seismic and electromagnetic waves. Onda is multiform: harmonic, rotational and gravitational waves.
Pythagoras had already noticed the transversal fascination of the waves when he maintained that from the observation of a single vibration of the monochord one could discover the microscopic aspects of sound propagation and at the same time study the laws that govern the entire universe.
EU Japan Fest

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
EU Japan Fest
Japanese Cultural Institutions - Artists:
Kojima Gakutoshi, Japan
Takashi Kuribayashi, Japan - Evento:
If distance could be measured in cultural differences, then Japan would be much closer than we imagine. Botticelli’s Venus, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, lasagne, sushi, Japanese pagodas, Sassi di Matera (Matera’s Ancient Cave Dwellings), are just some of the wonders created by these two populations.
Lumen | Social Light

- Immagine progetto:
- Immagine condivisione Facebook:
- Artists:
Giovanna Bellini, light designer, Italy
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Lumen | Social Light is a light shining over Matera, to illuminate the past and future of Southern Italy. But there is more to it. The project consists of two parts, two different ways of producing a single great floodlight. Lumen rediscovers the ancient tradition of illuminations, made for the occasion by the Basilicata community and by some of the most important companies in this sector in Southern Italy.
19 Schools x 19 Archives

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (Regional Education Authority)
History is not simply a series of dates, but a repository of facts, decisions, individual and collective memories: the sequence of moments and events that lead us up to the present and which we often question.
Heritage in Game

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Basilicata? A heritage of land, history and stories, which can be interesting and fun… just like a game! The idea behind 'Heritage in Play' is to raise awareness and appreciation of Basilicata’s artistic and cultural heritage among children, in the name of creativity.
Suoni del Futuro Remoto (The Sounds of the Ancient Future)

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Onyx Jazz Club Matera - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Lab Sonic, Italy
Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy
Ente Musicale di Nuoro, Italy
Hoob Record, Sweden
Associazione Semente, Italy
I.I.S. “E.Duni - C.Levi” Liceo Classico - Liceo Artistico Matera, Italy
Scuola APM - Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale, Italy
Parco della Murgia Materana, Italy
Città di Saluzzo (CN), Italy
Città di Guardia Perticara (PZ), Italy
Musikcentrum OST, Sweden - Artists:
Joe Johnson, USA
Paolo Fresu, Italy
Gaze of Lisa, Italy
Nils Berg Cinemascope, Sweden
Hilde Marie Holsen, NorwayCollettivo Onyx: Marta Gadaleta, Gianfranco Menzella, Mike Rubini, Pepi Romaniello, Biagio Orlandi, Nicolò Petrafesa, Gianni Vancheri, Rino Locantore, Pasquale Gadaleta, Giacomo Mongelli.
UniBanda, Università della Basilicata: Silvana Kuhtz; Chiara Rizzi, Federica Benedetto, Maria Cristallo, Antonio Marmora, Donato Miglionico, Giovanni Ostuni, Lucia Rubino, Giuseppe Solazzo, Margherita Tusone con Joseph Burton e Zoé Marilier.
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
Imagine a symphony orchestra composed of hundreds of elements: kestrels, white tuff, the eddies of Gravina, the slopes of Murgia, expanses of wild mallow. This is the story of Matera through the acoustic musical score of its places.
Open Sound | Where Music is a Common Good

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione Culturale Multietnica - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Music Innovation Hub SpA - Impresa Sociale, Italy
EuropaVox, France
Krikka, Italy - Artists:
Yuval Avital, Israel
AgoTrance, Italy
Alioscia Bisceglia, Italy
Paolo Baldini Dub Files, Italy
Clap!Clap!, Italy
Consciousness Sound, Italy
Dardust, Italy
Douglas Dare, United Kingodm
Dub Shepherds, France
Go-Dratta, Italy
JoyCut, Italy
Alberico Larato, Italy
Mantra Groove Station, Italy
Night Skinny, Italy
Nu Guinea, Italy
Teme Tàn, Belgium
Terra Terra Sound, Italy
"Cupa Cupa" and traditional masks of Tricarico
"Rumiti" of Satriano di Lucania
"Campanacci" of San Mauro Forte
"Zampogne" and the arbreshe choir of Pollino
"La Bassa musica" and "Cori a zampogna" of Accettura
Band of Municipality of Tito
"Cucibocca" of Montescaglioso - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
Built thanks to the contribution of the local community, the project explores the roots of music as a collective production phenomenon. Open Sound Festival presents two sections, both animated by research and performance activities: URLA and O.S.A.
IN VITRØ ~ Artificial Sønificatiøn

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione culturale LOXOSconcept - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Project Partners:
ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Germany
Tempo Reale, Italy
Spaziomusica, Italy
Eu Japan Fest
Associazione Culturale GTA Basilicata, Italy
Lucana Film Commission, Italy
Comune di Montescaglioso, Italy
Comune di Irsina, Italy
Comune di Ferrandina, Italy
CRM Centro Ricerche Musicali, Italy
CeReNeM (Centre for Research in New Music, University of Huddersfield), United Kingdom - Artists:
CRM Centro Ricerche Musicali, Italy
Edison Studio, Italy
Giulio Colangelo, Italy
Ryoichi Kurokawa, Japan
Spaziomusica, Italy
Valerio De Bonis, Italy - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
To find a new pitch, it is necessary to start again from silence. This is the aim of IN ViTRØ, a sound art project that seeks to investigate the relationship between sound and silence by listening to the voice of Matera: amongst the streets and squares, and even slipping into alleys and caves. Exhibitions, installations, performances, residences, workshops and studios will be harmonised under the direction of prestigious national and international partners and young artists.
Voices of the Spirit | Sounds from Parallel Universes to Caves

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
LAMS Matera cooperativa sociale - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Project Partners:
Ricordi Berlin, Germany
Associazione Culturale “R. D’Ambrosio”
ABaCo (Associazione Basilicata Cori) - Artists:
Georg Friedrich Haas, Austria
Nicola Campogrande, Italy
Damiano D'Ambrosio, Italy
Giovanni Pompeo, Italy
Orchestra di Matera e della Basilicata, Italy
Coro Giovanile Italiano, Italy
Cori AbaCo, Italy
Orchestra di fiati "R. D'Ambrosio" di Montescaglioso, ItalyThe Sound of the Spirit: Nicola Campogrande, Valya Balkanska, Caterina Pontrandolfo, Mirna Kassis, Sainkho Namtchilak & Actores Alidos, Orchestra Filaminica Federiciana, Orchestra della Basilicata, Coro Giovanile Italiano, Cori AbaCo
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
What do Matera’s stars sound like? Three excellent composers, Georg Friedrich Haas and Nicola Campogrande and Damiano D'Ambrosio, will be answering this question when they compose three works for the very first time, inspired and created in a process of experimental co-creation, during a series of artistic residencies held in Matera between 2018 and 2019.
Silent City

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Compagnia Teatrale l'Albero - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Opera Circus, United Kingdom
Orchestra Senzaspine, Italy
Materahub, Italy
Universa Musica - Unibas, Italy
Scuola di Musica “Il Setticlavio”, Italy
Music Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Conservatorio di Musica E. Duni Matera - MaterElettrica, Italy
Italian Cultural Institute - Edinburgh, Scotland
Operasonic, United Kingdom - Artists:
Alessandra Maltempo, Italy
Vania Cauzillo, Italy
Nigel Osborne, Scotland
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Italy-Somalia
Tommaso Ussardi, Italy
James Bonas, England
Andrea Ciommiento, Italy
Anna Moscatelli, Italy
Cydney Uffindell-Phillips, United Kingdom
Zakk Hein, United Kingdom
Peter Nelson, Scotland
Operasonic, United Kingdom - Sponsor:
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
What if the concept of opera were rebuilt on the foundations of silence? Arriving in Matera, the feeling of contrast is strong. It is a city of juxtapositions: The Plains and the Sassi (Matera’s Ancient Cave Dwellings), shame and pride, stone and cement, noise and silence. The Sassi district, in particular, holds onto the memory of changes.
Heritage Games

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione Culturale Il vagabondo - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Mythonaut, Finland
Partecipation design agency, Denmark
Epochè, Italy
Scuola del viaggio, Italy
Fatti d'arte, Italy
Tou.Play, Italy
Giallo Sassi, Italy
Teatro PAT, Italy - Artists:
Mike Pohjola, Finland
Bjarke Pedersen, Denmark
- Evento:
Neighbourhood, community, socio-cultural models are a (role-playing) game. Matera 2019 will host a L.A.R.P. (live action role playing) even and different urban games in an artistic and creative context dedicated to the importance of involvement and enhancement of social capital.
The Sounds of Stone – MaterArmoniae

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Ateneo Musica Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Finisterre srl, Italy
Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Italy
Fondazione Musica per Roma, Italy
Associazione culturale D'Orfeu, Portugal
World Music Festival, Slovakia
Accademia d'Ungheria, Italy - Artists:
Ambrogio Sparagna, Italy
Carlo Goldstein, Italy
MaterOrchestra, Italy
Ensemble Meridies, Italy
Gianvincenzo Cresta, ItalyThe Sound of the Spirit: Nicola Campogrande, Valya Balkanska, Caterina Pontrandolfo, Mirna Kassis, Sainkho Namtchilak & Actores Alidos, Orchestra Filaminica Federiciana, Orchestra della Basilicata, Coro Giovanile Italiano, Cori ABACO
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
Matera is the only place where entire neighbourhoods are created out of cave dwellings. And from now on, it will also be the home to timeless music. Embark on a journey to rediscover folk music from Lucania (the old name for Basilicata) and bring it into 2019.
Airport City: Tuning Gravity's Strings

- Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
Tomàs Saraceno, Argentina
Sometimes it takes more than just a quick glance to connect the sky to the ground. In nature there exists an elegant, almost magical, example which shows us that it is possible to live in the space between the ground and the objects extending from it, be that a tree, plant, flower or any other natural structure: a spider’s web.
Essenza Lucano

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Amaro Lucano - Immagine progetto:
It might seem like the beginning of a fairytal e set in a faraway land, but it really is going to happen, in Pisticci, in 2019. Essenza will be a place, a house, where visitors can immerse themselves in an interactive experience inspired by the world of Amaro Lucano, Essential Partner of Matera: European Capital of Culture 2019.
Visions from Europe

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
- Artists:
Marco Longari, Italy
Donald Weber, Holland
Dirk Gebhardt, Germany
Nick Hannes, Belgium
Mads Greve, Denmark
Gintaras Česonis, Lithuania
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Cyprus
Dario Mitidieri, Italy/United Kingdom
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Curator: Cosmo Laera
Photo credits: Marika Ramunno
Matera European Photography / Visions from Europe, an international project promoted by Matera European Photography and Matera Diffusa with Canon Europe and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation, combining personal knowledge and iconographic diffusion with an original and contemporary vision of Matera and Basilicata through the eyes of young European students of photography and their professors.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow In Craco

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Craco
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Craco Ricerche SRL
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Landscape for Culture, art and research in Europe. A workshop to re-modulate the scenery, a new language to make it immortal. The town of Craco invites artists, engineers and designers to talk about the colors, the sounds and the shapes of Basilicata’s landscape. The idea is to organise a competition in order to select five professionals who will map the territory in a three-day immersion. After studying, the five candidates will be asked to turn the vision into a virtual representation of art and architecture.
Pythagoras Rewind

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipalities of Bernalda | Pisticci | Scanzano | Policoro
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
a.p.s Act in Circus
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Seeking Pythagoras. A journey all the way through Basilicata. Pisticci, the ancient Heraclea, Metaponto: these are some of the towns crossed by the brilliant mathematician from Sarno, after he was sent away from Crotone. A travelling event called 'Pythagoras Rewind', will pay tribute to the great philosopher.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Savoia di Lucania
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
What do music and water have in common?
We can discover this with the 'Aqua' project. In the beginning sound waves, then sea waves will immerse the public into a journey of colours, images and sensations. During the afternoon, when the sun shines over the water’s surface, we will follow the river’s flow discovering the landscape of Savoia, and its flow through the Forest of Luceto, up to the six Tuorno falls. The excursion will be full of surprises and enchantment (for example, a part of the itinerary can be done by travelling on an oxcart). On the way to the falls, visitors can admire the landscape and the fantastic water sound installations with musical instruments which will start playing at every passage, delighting the visitors with their waves.
Once Buried And Now Future City

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Cersosimo
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Cersosimo is a small village and at the same time an ancient city.
How is that possible? By looking across the Castello hill, then rapidly down, through the ground’s layers, as far as the human eye can go. This is Cersosimo’s secret: an ancient city buried under the soil, where only a small amount of the monumental relics, found by the archeologists, have surfaced. Therefore, Cersosimo shields an extraordinary archaeological treasure that can only be imagined and is yet to be completely discovered and revealed.
Rocco Scotellaro Lucania Festival

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Tricarico
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Creating a community of purposes, passions and civil commitments in Tricarico. In memory of Rocco Scotellaro, former mayor of Tricarico and illustrious citizen. The Rocco Scotellaro Lucania Festival edition 2019 intends to establish a Community Play, more international and open to the future community, but still attached to its tradition, a community for all the people.
The Night Of Franco

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Francavilla in Sinni
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Artinforma srl
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The night of Franco will be staged in Francavilla in Sinni, a show inspired by the story of the Risorgimento brigand, Antonio Franco.
A stable and, at the same time, simultaneous travelling show with a number of animated pictures with an independent drama, involving the 'Don Pino Terracina' association for the disabled in a great journey that will bring visitors to a great parade up to the stage, with music, street artists and video installations.
Ri-corda (Remember) / Community Binds

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Maratea
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Liberi Liberi Ass. Culturale
- Evento:
Maratea grandmothers used to multitask: they knew how to bind thin blades of grass in order to make resistant ropes, while chatting, telling stories and sharing knowledge.
Until the late 70s, women from Maratea used to entwine ropes while chatting and exchanging ideas. A temporary community of residents and visitors will replicate this tradition in every working phase.
The Capital Of Stars

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Anzi
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Teerum Valgemon Aesai Onlus Anzi (Ass. di Volontariato)
- Artists:
Agenzia Spaziale Europa
Agenzia Spaziale Italia
Unione Astrofili Italia - Sponsor:
- Evento:
'And thence we came forth to see again the stars'. Anzi, a small town near Potenza, is famous for one of Italy’s most important Astronomic Planetary Observatories, and for its dark sky which is a rarity today: two spectacular characteristics with which to enjoy the eternal beauty of the universe.
The confine of water. Words, Visions, Scenery on the blocked Agri

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Spinoso
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Pro Loco Spinoso
- Sponsor:
Contrarily to the title of last year’s Oscar-winning film, water does not have a shape.
Being a liquid, water changes and adapts according to what holds or surrounds it, and it is this fluid nature that allows it to flow along natural routes, to penetrate the smallest cracks or to be manipulated by man. Whenever water changes, the landscape transforms with it, putting on new clothes.
A Capital Under The Moonlight

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in coprodution by
Municipality of Sasso di Castalda
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
From the Apollo 11 steps to the smoky colour of the ground: the greatest step for mankind is now 50 years old!
It was exactly 12th July 1969 when three American astronauts made one of the most important days of the history of mankind. And now, during the event 'Matera 2019 Capital for a Day', 50 years later, the town of Sasso di Castalda wants to celebrate one of the greatest protagonists of the moon adventure: Rocco Petrone. He was the director of the Apollo 11 launch, raised in Little Italy, New York by his mother Teresa and his father Antonio, who both came from Sasso di Castalda.
Shadow Festival – Marpi’s journey

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Venosa
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
Imagine Pirro del Balzo castle, the lordly villas in Piazza Orazio, Piazza Municipio with its majestic cathedral, L’Incompiuta, the Hebrew site of the catacombs and the Paleolithic site becoming, for a period, enormous canvases, boundless screens crossed by magnificent, dreamy forms dedicated to passers-by. In the meantime, the orchestra plays music, a musical tale that blends narrating voices with mute tracks. It is a wonderful historical fresco, participated in, where each piece - inanimate stones that guard time as much as the flesh-and-bone citizens - plays its part.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipalities of San Fele | Castelgrande | Filiano | Pescopagano | Ruvo del Monte | Vietri di Potenza
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Nature Culture Science And Technology Between Future And Past. This year in Basilicata every town can become the protagonist of culture thanks to the 'Matera 2019 Capital for a Day' initiative. The aim of the project is to create a network that encourages a dialogue between the participating towns, a digital platform where ideas and projects can be shared.
On The Road To Juan Caramuel Y Lobkowitz

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Sant'Angelo Le Fratte
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
There is somebody in Sant’Angelo Le Fratte, which can unite faith and science. The project will follow in his footsteps and try to create a link between the Past and the Present along the town’s streets. His name is Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, a bishop and mathematician who travelled across Europe, leaving a lasting impression in Basilicata. An emblematic figure of the 17th century, he is still considered the symbol of the city. This can be clearly seen thanks to the murals that decorate the town to tell his story.
Digital Community Archive

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipalities of Rotonda | Albano Di Lucania | Missanello | Roccanova | Vaglio | Laurenzana | San Martino D'Agri | Tramutola | Castelluccio Inferiore | Castelluccio Superiore
for Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Associazione Eventi Green
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Before smartphones allowed us to constantly share our life in real time, photography required time and care, a rare event, sometimes unique, which brought families together to wear their best clothes to pose in front of the photographer. Therefore, dressing up was a strong symbolic action, an expression of the desire to show ourselves in the best possible way.
Landscape, Identity And Paths

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Coproduced by
Municipality of Avigliano
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
ETN International srl
Fondazione Emanuele Guanturco - Sponsor:
- Evento:
One of mankind’s most distinguished characteristics is the instinct to tell stories. We feed on bread and stories, and we mould our destiny through them.
Stories will be the protagonists of the 'Landscape, identity and paths' event, organized by the Avigliano municipality. The first part will involve schools, associations and the entire community who will share their idea of identity and how to regenerate it. They will be involved in a storytelling workshop, to create that link between the present and the future.
A perfect universe

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Teana
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
It is said that behind every great man there is always a great woman.
We do not know if this is always true, but it certainly is for Pythagoras: his wife Theano was the first mathematician in history. The legend says that upon the death of her husband, the woman directed the school he had founded and, in the mountain area that is today part of Pollino National Park, she established the summer headquarters of the Pythagorean School of Metaponto.
Block Lab

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Viggiano
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Brox srl
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Sharing information on public and private networks, making purchases and investments safely and without intermediaries, protecting data confidentiality, preventing forgery.
Will blockchain, the new technology initially tied to bitcoins and transactions using digital currency, applicable to many sectors and destined to change the concept of network, access to information and computer safety, become widespread in the near future?
A Typical Middle Age Day In Moliterno

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Moliterno
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Ass. Cult. "Il Rondello"
Pro Loco Campus Moliterno - Sponsor:
- Evento:
Those who say that it is impossible to travel in time have never been to Moliterno Castle.
Think about what could happen if you combined the Middle Ages and new technologies to see the original rooms of a castle thanks to a 3D reconstruction, to scan a QR code and to be catapulted amongst fire-eaters and jugglers. You can find out when the Moliterno Castle comes back to life, allowing the visitors to enter a magical ancient atmosphere.
Future Digs

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
"Università degli Studi della Basilicata", Italy
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, Italy
"Giuseppe Laterza & Figli S.P.A", Italy
- Evento:
In The Power by Naomi Alderman, future archaeologists are bewildered by trays engraved with an apple that we all recognise as tablets. In fact, often excavations serve both to rediscover the past and to discover the future.
Matera 3019

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Teatro delle Forche e Scuola Open Source_SOS - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Artists:
Giancarlo Luce
Erika Grillo
Giorgio Consoli, Andrea Dellai, Erika Grillo, Ermelinda Nasuto, Chiara Petillo, Fabio Zullino
Walter Pulpito
Mino Notaristefano, Vincenzo Dipierro
Alessandro Colazzo - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Open Source School:
Sito web
Curator: Gianluigi Gherzi
500 years ago Thomas More wrote Utopia. It’s time now to imagine a new world.
Here the idea of a project able to listen to the words and suggestions of youngsters, coming from Italy and Europe, working on the growing divide between the virtual world of digital and the corporeal one of reality.
Architecture of Shame

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Coproduced by
Associazione Culturale Architecture of Shame - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Project Partners:
Archive of the State of Matera, Italy
ATER Azienda territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale Matera, Italy
ATER Azienda territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale Venezia, Italy
Calia, Italy
Chalmers University di Göteborg, Sweden
Dipartimento delle Culture Europee del Mediterraneo of University of Basilicata, Italy
Federcasa, Italy
LabSo, Laboratorio di Sociologia Urbana, University of Florence, Italy
Malmo University - School of Arts and Communication (K3) Faculty of Culture and Society, Sweden
New Art Exchange, United Kingdom
Migrant Observatory Basilicata, Italy
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Domus Academy, Italy
Un-war Space Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Artists:
Amina Pilav and Damir Ugljen (Mostar, BiH) Un- war space, Bosnia-Herzegovina / Holland
Collettivo MIC/C, Italy
Failed Architecture, Netherlands
Incompiuto Siciliano and URBZ, Italy
Winners of the competition “Indagine sui Non Abitanti”: Francesca Borrelli, Giulia D’Antonio, Roberto Dell’Orco, Joshua Florquin, Scuola del terzo luogo - Evento:
Seventy years have passed since De Gasperi, visiting Matera, called the place that is now a UNESCO heritage site a national disgrace, and ordered the eviction of its residents.
The Atlas of the City’s Emotions: I. La Secretissima Camera de lo Core

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione Teatro dei Sassi - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Scuola Holden, Italia
- Artists:
Heike Hennig, Germania
Alessandro Baricco, Italia
Stefano Faravelli, Italia - Sponsor:
- Evento:
'You take delight' Italo Calvino said, 'not in a city’s seven or seventy wonders, but in the answer it gives to a question of yours'. A city thrives on memories and emotions intertwined in its streets by the inhabitants, and sometimes an answer can arrive even without any question being formulated.
Poetry of Shame

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
#reteteatro41 - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Compagnia teatrale Petra, Italy
Artopia, Skopje - Macedonia
Ballo, Podgorica - Montenegro
Qendra Multimedia, Pristina - Kosovo
Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore, Italy
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, Italy
Digital Wolf, Italy
- Artists:
Silvia Gribaudi, Italy
Matteo Maffesanti, Italy
Mattia Giordano, Italy
Antonella Iallorenzi, Italy
Mariagrazia Nacci, Italy
Simona Spirovska, Macedonia
Ema Tashiro, Japan
Jeton Neziraj, Kosovo
Massimiliano Civica, Italy
Sharon Fridman, Israel
Carlos Penalver, Spain
Radosław Rychcik, Poland
Jakub Porcari, Poland - Evento:
According to an interpretation of contemporary psychology, there are four different kinds of shame that we have all experienced in life; among these, the sense of embarrassment that follows exclusion from a group stands out, the inability to process the concept of not being liked.
The original production 'The poetics of shame', from the theatrical collective #Reteteatro41, brings to the stage themes of marginalisation, courage and passion with a performance that deals with the urgency for collaboration between Europe and Matera.
Rivelation Revelation Rid (Riv.Rev.)

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Coproduced by
Legambiente Matera - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Project Partners:
The Centre of Competence for Citizen Science at the University of Zürich, Switzerland
Parco regionale delle chiese rupestri del materano of Matera, Italy
Liceo Artistico “C.Levi” of Matera, Italy
Istituto tecnico industriale Tecnologico of Matera, Italy
Istituto Tecnico Agrario Briganti of Matera, Italy
Acquedotto Lucano SpA, Italy - Artists:
Paolo Cascone, Italy
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
Water covers 71% of our planet’s surface; the same percentage in which it is present in a child's body. And just like a child, the Earth needs to be cared for and defended against danger, protected so that it can grow healthy for future generations.
The Beautiful Shame

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Coproduced by
Centro Mediterraneo delle Arti - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Agoraut, Italy
Giallo Sassi Matera, Italy
I 5 Fiumi, Italy
Mauro Diazzi srl Modena, Italy
Shën Palji Arbëresh, Italy - Artists:
La Fura dels Baus, Spain
Ulderico Pesce e Compagnia
In his work Christ stopped at Eboli, Carlo Levi was one of the first to denounce the shameful hygiene and sanitation conditions of the Sassi Districts of Matera. He describes children who die of malaria 'in those black holes' but also tells the infinite beauty of those 'black holes' that later became a World Heritage Site.
Tòpoi. Theatre and New Myths

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized by
Consorzio Teatri Uniti di Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- YouTube:
- Project Partners:
Fortebraccio Teatro, Italy
Teatri di Roma, Italy
IIPM International Institute of Political Murders, Germany
Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Italy
Teatro d'Europa, Italy
Compagnia Lombardi Tiezzi, Italy - Artists:
Il Nuovo Vangelo:
Milo Rau, Switzerland
Yvan Sagnet, Cameroon
Osadolor Tessy
Maia Morgenstern, Romania
Vito Castoro, Italy
Anthony Nwachukwu
Elena Pavel
Nicoletta Pavel
Fredy Kugurga
Elisabeth Oladele
Marcello Fonte, Italy
Enrique Irazoqui, Spain
Giorgio Agamben
Leonardo Palmisano
Don Angelo Tataranni
Il Gran Teatro Mangiafuoco
Roberto Latini, Italy
Elena Bucci, Italy
Marco Manchisi, Italy
Savino Paparella, Italy
Stella Piccioni, Italy
Marco Sgrosso, Italy
Marco Vergani, Italy
- Venue and Date:
Set and performance Milo Rau, Matera from 14th September to 6th October 2019 | Show Roberto Latini, Theatres of Matera, Potenza, Venosa and Francavilla from 5th to 16th November 2019
- Evento:
For human beings, the instinct to tell their story is as primal as survival; the oldest written history document dates back to 4500 years ago and we can suppose that even long before then, stories were told around the fire. Myths and legends handed down to satisfy the human need to share collective knowledge.
Petroleum, Man and Nature in the Anthropocene

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione Basilicata 1799 - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
L’Officina Atelier Marseilais de production / Festival Dansem danse contemporaine en Méditerrané, France
Area 06 / Short Theatre, Italy
Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane danza d’autore, Italy
Abito in scena Potenza, Italy
- Artists:
Alessandro Sciarroni, Italy
Maria Hassabi, Cyprus/USA
Silvia Rampelli, Italy
Industrie Indipendenti, ItalySedimenti:
Bassam Abou Diab, Lebanon
Yeinner Chicas, Spain / Nicaragua
Olimpia Fortuni, Italy
Leonardo Maietto, Italy
Ayman Sharaf El Dine, Lebanon
Stefano Zazzera, ItalyPensiero geo-logico:
Volumezero architecture and landscape, Italy
Luca Catalano e Annalisa Metta, Italy
Emanuele Coccia, Italy
Marcello Di Paola, Italy
Mariavaleria Mininni, Italy
Gianfranco Pellegrino, Italy
Giuseppe Pontrandolfi, Italy
Bartolomeo Dichio, Italy
Anna Mininni, Italy - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
With oil in the background as an obscure engine - for 150 years, for better or for worse - of the world's events, the project is inspired by the unfinished work of the same name by Pier Paolo Pasolini, which, published posthumously 17 years after his violent death, probes the radical and underground transformations of social, urban and natural landscapes.
The most beautiful shame

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Teatro Stabile di Napoli Mercadante - Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
Vertigo Dance Company, Israel
Mariolina Venezia, Italy - Evento:
They say that to pick oneself up takes courage, we believe that it takes shame. Shame that stimulates the consciousness, that mobilises pride and triggers a reaction. Shame as a formidable push that breaks down immobility and creates movement, questioning, awareness and, therefore, rebirth. A positive, redeeming, wonderfully tragic and cathartic shame: the most beautiful shame.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Rai Radio 3 - Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
Each story must have a voice, and that of Matera 2019 comes clearly and strongly from the speakers of a radio.
The competition with Spotify and YouTube doesn’t matter much: maybe because of its slightly vintage touch, certainly for its ability to create guided routes between music and words and to look further into some matters, radio has been elected as the voice for the European Capital of Culture in 2019.
The Matera Lectures on Radio 3

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Rai Radio 3 - Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
Lightness, Quickness, Exactitude, Visibility and Multiplicity. These are the values of Italo Calvino’s 'American Lectures' followed by Radio 3 in the Matera Lectures, with the original format in the hope of inspiring the audience to tune into a monthly broadcast throughout 2019 and warm the heart of the city.
Resilient Cities

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
City of Modena
Consorzio Festival Filosofia
Fondazione Collegio di San Carlo
Urban Store
Sculpture Park of Fanano
Arti Visive Gallery - Evento:
In 2012, an area of Modena’s province was hit by a terrible earthquake that caused very serious damage to the city’s architectural and artistic heritage, as well as its industrial areas. With exceptional resilience, many areas were rebuilt in a very short time. After a few months, a delegation from Matera met many regional emigrants in Emilia and a dialogue began, resulting in a shared cultural programme and a memorandum of understanding between the two cities.
Terrae Motus

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Sigea (Italian environmental geology company)
Anci (National Association of Italian Local Authorities) - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Curator: Antonio Di Giacomo
Photo credits: Paganica (L'Aquila), December 2018. Giuseppe Carotenuto
As part of Matera 2019 there will be a large photography exhibition inspired by the tenth anniversary of the earthquake that devastated the city of L’Aquila on 6 April 2009. The display aims to create a space to reflect on the difficulties of dealing with the earthquake’s after-effects throughout the whole country.
Music, The Universal Language, Unites People

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Pomarico
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Nuovo Comitato Celebrazioni Vivaldiane
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
How many languages are spoken across the world? According to a recent study, seven thousand languages exist, even if most of them are at risk of extinction. However, there is a more profound and universal language, which crosses all geographic and cultural borders: music.
In order to communicate to a constantly multifaceted community, the town of Pomarico on its day as a Capital organises a musical event by mixing traditions and different cultures in an inclusive concert representing a period of a specific community.
The Bandit’s treasure

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Marsicovetere
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The life and activities of the bandit Angelantonio Masini, nicknamed Ciuccolo (Marsicovetere, 1837 – Padula, 20 December 1864), who “worked” in Basilicata, in Terra di Bari and Vallo di Diano will be the object of a theatre performance on the day of the event for “Matera 2019-Capital for a day”.
Back To Montegrano. Edward C. Banfield’s Chiaromonte

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Chiaromonte
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Osservatorio Scientifico Edward Banfield
Pro Loco "Le Torri"
Museo Archeoantropologico "Lodovico Nicola di Giura" - Sponsor:
- Evento:
During the mid-fifties the American researcher Edward C. Banfield began his studies on Chiaromonte. A few years later he published a very successful book in the United States causing a number of debates in Italy, stemming from the book’s title 'The moral basis of a backward society'. Even though the name Chiaromonte was replaced with Montegrano, every reference was quite clear, including in the description of the locations and the people’s word.
Here and Together

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Accettura
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
'Here and together' will enliven Accettura by showing that values such as identity and migration can perfectly coexist.
The journey will start from the archaeological site of Tempa Cortaglia, where archaeology teachers and students will map out and analyse the area.
The Train To Oblivion

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Balvano
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Balvano, 3rd March 1944. The population was in disarray, exhausted by war, and by a country divided in two. Hundreds of people, coming from Campania, leave at night, as illegals, jumping on a freight train to Basilicata, seeking food and peace of mind. On the train number 8017, which stops in Balvano, 600 people died, in the worst Italian railway tragedy.
Agricultura Next

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Castelsaraceno
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Parco Nazionale del Pollino
Associazione Pro Loco Castelsaraceno
Istituto Comprensivo Musicale “G. Castronuovo” - Sponsor:
- Evento:
Sharing the urban spaces of Castelsaraceno and creating a wide community of 'cultural' citizens. This is the core of the Agricultura Next project, when residents, associations, schools, foreign students, immigrants and digital nomads in a three-day event will become the ambassadors and narrators of the Festival in the World experience.
A Treasure Chest Of Rituals And Knowledge

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Colobraro
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Istituto Scolastico Isabella Morra
Parrocchia di Colobraro
Associazione S.I.M.P
Associazione Bandistica Musicale
Associazione Protezione Civile Colobraro
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica - Sponsor:
- Evento:
For many years people considered Colobraro as a place that brought bad luck. The people nearby used to call it 'that town' and pointed at the village without pronouncing its name. Soon after the war Colobraro shared with Matera the same reputation of a poor and unfortunate place, destined to disintegrate into oblivion because nothing positive could have come from there.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Ferrandina
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The band plays in Ferrandina!
The borough reunites with the lasting tradition of street music and studies the staging of a travelling show through the town’s streets, recalling the past and celebrating the region’s future. The band is the symbol of a playful community where everybody can find their own place and can create a collective composition. A solemn provocation, an invitation to sing, a laic procession drawing the visitors’ attentions. Besides the music, there will be artists and performers who will color the town centre’s alleyways, involving people in atmosphere that harks back to the old days.
The Festival Of The Gaze

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Guardia Perticara
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The premises were not the best: mountains, inadequate infrastructures, a social and ethnic allegiance accentuating the differences and disregarding similarities. Guardia Perticara has been for a long time a difficult enclave to reach from a physical and a cultural point of view. However, it is in these difficult situations that the best paybacks take place. Rediscovering the ancient and important values – hospitality, generosity and tolerance – investing the funds from the 1980 earthquake in the best way, Guardia Perticara has reinvented itself, creating a solid community in one of the most beautiful places in Italy. In fact, after the renovation of the old cobble-stone village, this town claims not only the Touring Club Orange Flag, but also the reputation of one of Italy’s most beautiful villages.
Satriano Street Festival

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Minicipality of Satriano di Lucania
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Ass. Cult. Petra
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Graffiti is art. Artists such as Keith Haring, Bansky and Blu are some examples of how street art has turned from illegality into proper art, from the dark alleyways with spray paint to the greatest recognitions, to museum exhibitions. Satriano di Lucania knows it very well. This town can be considered the capital of murals in Southern Italy, with more than 200 works of street art. Everything started in 1983, when the Romanian artist Costantin Udroiu visited the town, a political dissident who found a safe place where he could be free to express himself in the streets of Satriano, turning art into an enchanting form of thankfulness.
Blind Sensorium | Il paradosso dell'Antropocene

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Polo Museale della Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Germany
Sorigue Foundation, Spain
University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe, Germany
ZKM, Germany
- Artists:
Armin Linke, Germania
Giulia Bruno, Italy
Giuseppe Ielasi, Italy - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Anselm Franke, Germany
From James Watt's first patented steam engine to the treaties to combat global warming, the last three hundred years of climate history have seen a single major player: the human race.
The Renaissance As Seen from the South

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Polo Museale della Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
University of Basilicata, Italy
University “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, Italy
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Marta Ragozzino (Director of the Polo Museale della Basilicata), Pierluigi Leone de Castris, Matteo Ceriana, Dora Catalano
Whoever said that the Renaissance only happened in the centre and north of Italy? Let’s take a fresh look, starting from the South – from the shores of the Mediterranean, the age-old crossroads of culture and civilisation, people and the arts.
Inhabiting the Opera

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli - Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Director, Italy
- Evento:
'The horse paws the ground, | the bells ring out, | crack the whip': Cavalleria Rusticana is arriving at the Sassi di Matera! This is courtesy of 'Abitare l’Opera', a project that aims to bring the arias of great operas from the past to different and unusual venues, in collaboration with the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, which is one of the greatest opera houses in Italy and worldwide.
PURGATORIO Public Call for "Divina Commedia" by Dante Alighieri

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by Ravenna Manifestazioni Foundation / Ravenna Festival
- Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
Concept and Art Direction: Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari, Italy
Actors: Ermanna Montanari, Marco Martinelli, Alessandro Argnani, Roberto Magnani, Laura Redaelli, Alessandro Renda, Nadia Casamassima, Alessandra Crocco, Alessandro Miele, Salvatore Tringali and the citizens from the Open Calls
Music: Luigi Ceccarelli, Giacomo Piermatti, Vincenzo Core, Valerio Cugini, Giovanni Tancredi, Andrea Veneri and the students of "Conservatorio Statale di Musica Ottorino Respighi" in Latina (School of Electronic Music and Percussion) and Simone Marzocchi
Staging and costumes: Edoardo Sanchi and Paola Giorgi with the students of "Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera" in Milan (School of Set Disegn)
Sound: Marco Olivieri, Italy
Lights: Fabio Sajiz, Italy
Technical Direction: Enrico Isola, Fagio
Logistics: Silvia Pagliano - Evento:
'Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself in Matera'. No, Dante’s words have not been changed; this is an initiative by Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari. In fact, it’s a challenge to turn Dante’s masterpiece into a play and to use the whole city of Matera as a stage.
People Places Purposes

- Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
Is it possible to become a local ‘Materano’ for one day? Of course! ‘People, Places and Purposes’ allows tourists to transform into ‘temporary citizens’, to become an integral part of daily life in Basilicata and explore a fresh, authentic and unedited Matera, not easily available to the traditional transient tourist.
Formula Cinema

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Associazione Culturale Allelammie and
Lucana Film Commission - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Project Partners:
Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, Italy
Euro Net, Italy
Wro Art Center di Wroclaw, Poland
Mediterraneo Cinematografica, Italy
IIS “Duni-Levi” Matera, Italy
CineParco TILT, Italy
External Partner: Makhmalbaf Film House, United Kingdom
- Artists:
Mohsen Makhmalbaf Director, Iran/France
Olga e Tatiana Poliektova Director, Animator, Ilustrator, Russia
Aurore Émaille Visual Artist, France
Pawel Janicki Media Artist, Poland
Claudia D’Anna Graphic and Illustrator, Italy
Gemma Lanzo Movie Critic, Italy
Antonella Gaeta Screenwriting and Movie Critic, Italy
Massimo Causo Movie Critic, Italy
Angela Saponari Movie Critic and Professor, Italy
Luigi Abiusi Movie Critic and Professor, Italy
Anton Giulio Mancino Movie Critic and Professor, Italy - Evento:
Cinema is a free space – cinema is participation. As Giorgio Gaber might say, this is the objective of Formula Cinema.
Silent Academy

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Il Sicomoro Soc. Coop. Soc. - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
ARCI Basilicata, Italy
Associazione Tolbà, Italy
Fondazione Città della Pace per i bambini Basilicata, Italy
Silent University Ruhr, Germany
Università della Basilicata - Dipartimento delle Culture Europee del Mediterraneo, Italy
Diòtima, Italy - Artists:
Eloi Sessou, Côte d'Ivoire
Mariano Bauduin, Italy
Claudia Pentasuglia, Italy
Kingsley, Nigeria
BR1, Italy - Evento:
This project gives a voice to those who have lost theirs in a terrible journey and in the difficult circumstances of a new life, by galvanising their outlook, commitment and all the little things that make life worth living.
MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Rete Cinema Basilicata and
Lucana Film Commission - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Meditalents, France
Albanian National Film Center, Albania
Balkan Film Market , Albania
Rattapallax, USA
Circe/Università di Torino, Italy
Dams/Università della Calabria, Italy
Universosud , Italy
Noeltan Film Studio, Italy
Fabrique Entertainment, Italy
Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Madrid, Spain - Artists:
Franco Piavoli, Italy
John Giorno, USA
Lello Voce, Italy
Antonello Faretta, Italy
Paolo Heritier, Italy
Gabriele Frasca, Italy
Jacques Gilbert, France
Adriano Aprà, Italy
Yolanda Castaño, Spain
Aurelia Lassaque, France
Nilson Muniz, Portugal
Eduard Escoffet, Spain
Domenico Brancale, Italy
Ferdinando Mirizzi, Italy
Francesco Marano, Italy
5 film-makers from across the Mediterranean area were selected from those who responded to a public invitation:
Vito Foderà, Italy
Gianluca Abbate, Italy
Blerina Goce, Albania
Elena Zervopoulou, France/Greece
Giuseppe Schillaci, Italy
Simone Arcagni, Italy
Oscar Iarussi, Italy - Sponsor:
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
With the patronage of
Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo - Università degli Studi della Basilicata | Municipality of Matera
Supported by BCC Basilicata
Cinema and poetry seen as a lingua franca to bring together peoples, civilisations and cultures: this is the objective of Rete Cinema Basilicata, to seek connections and points of contact between the different European countries in the Mediterranean through cinema and the universal language of poetry.
Storylines | the Lucanian Ways

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Youth Europe Service and
Lucana Film Commission - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Mediterraneo Cinematografica, Italy
Simbdea, Italy
Bitmovies srl, Italy
Allelammie, Italy
- Artists:
Nicola Ragone, Italy
Vito Teti, Italy
Gianpiero Perri, Italy
John Giorno, Aliano/New York
Claudia Durastanti, Gallicchio/London
Francesco Scavetta, Garaguso/Tanum (Sweden)
Franco Arminio, Italy
Guendalina Salini, Italy
Eufemia Mascolo, Italy
Helene Stapinsky, USA - Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Supported by BCC Basilicata
People coming, people going. People also deciding to stay in Basilicata, where others are leaving in large numbers and a land left by itself. 'Storylines | The Lucanian Ways' is dedicated to these people. The project, presented by the Youth Europe Service, consists of the docufilm 'I’m going where I come from', written by Luigi Vitelli with the scientific consultant by Vito Teti and directed by Nicola Ragone, and a video exhibition.
Ka art. For a Collective Map-making of Basilicata

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
ArtePollino Associazione Culturale - Immagine progetto:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Project Partners:
Art House Scutari, fondata da Adrian Paci, Albania
Circolo dei Lettori di Torino, Italy
GAi Giovani Artisti italiani, Italy - Artists:
Jérôme Bel, Fance
Lucy + Jorge Orta, France
Claudia Losi, Italy
Francesco Pedrini, Italy
Elvira Dones, Albania
Marco Cazzato, Italy
Antonio Pascale, Italy
Matteo Caccia, Italy
Amedeo Balbi, Italy
Riccardo Sinigallia, Italy
Silva Agostini, Italy
Bora Baboçi, Albania
Camilla Salvatore, Italy
Cosimo Veneziano, Italy
Pleurad Xhafa, Albania
- Sponsor:
Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino
GAL La cittadella del sapere - Evento:
Going back to your origins is not a process that can be done standing still; rather, it is a series of different yet complementary actions, and a process that needs to be completed. The idea of Ka Art is to transform the Pollino area into a large natural map.
Sinfonia per l’Europa

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai - Immagine progetto:
- Artists:
James Conlon, USA
- Evento:
In the tuff stone quarries north of Matera, the Chiesa del Sole appears to visitors as if it were an elderly lady asleep among the blocks of tuff. This place, set in the rock of a medieval monastery, will be the setting on Wednesday 24 July 2019 at 21.30 for a concert by the RAI National Symphony Orchestra conducted by James Conlon, an American who originates from Lucania and who has been the principal conductor of the Orchestra since 2016.
Sport Tales

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
CONI, Italy
Pielle Matera, Italy
Matera Sport Film Festival, Italy
Loyalty Cup, Italy - Evento:
While taking part in sport is good, talking about it is even better. Sport Tales is a programme of initiatives which link sport, commentating and culture in the streets of Matera. Young sportspeople from across Europe will take part in two youth soccer and basketball tournaments (Coppa Scirea and Minibasket in Piazza), while off the pitch the athletes, their parents and sports coaches can learn about different types of sports commentary, from traditional ones to posts on social media.
AltoFest Matera Basilicata 2019

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
TeatrInGestAzione - Artists:
Gesualdi | Trono (artistic direction)
Loretta Mesiti (dramaturg) - Sponsor:
- Evento:
"Abitare Futuro" is the theme inspiring this Altofest special edition. From 4th of November to 8th of December, over 26 international artists with performances in 11 towns of Basilicata Region, in 5 different areas, will be hosted by residents in their houses, which then become venues that welcome audiences.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Polo Museale della Basilicata - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Viviana Panaccia
'Mediterranea' is an exhibition that tells of the history, beauty, populations and myths of this sea continent, but also of the pitfalls and contrasts that menace it today. The itinerary will represent the Mediterranean in all its complexity, through the narration of its history using unique satellite images, photos, videos and site-specific installations with an extraordinary emotive impact.
Duni Europa

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Conservatorio Statale di Musica “E. R. Duni”, Italy
- Evento:
Can classical music be made popular and accessible to everyone? This is the challenge set by the project DUNI EUROPA, to be tackled with the help of a prestigious institution – the Egidio Romualdo Duni Conservatoire. Musicians from the Duni Conservatoire will gather in the marquee that will host the events of Circus+ and entertain the community with the most famous pieces of classical music.
Matera Residencies 2019

- Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
IN SITU - the European platform for artistic creation in public space
European Institutes for Culture in Italy
Madre - Museo d’Arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Italy
Cultural Projects from South of Italy
Farm Cultural Park, Italy - Sponsor:
- Evento:
In 2019, sharing is really easy: it’s done online using images, texts, videos, and sometimes with the sound of your voice. But how many people would be brave enough to go offline and share their home?
Robert Vignola, From Trivigno To Hollywood - From Music To Films

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Trivigno
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
Before the advent of sound in film, in the early 1900 there was a different kind of cinema, where mime was the protagonist and the actor’s bodies were the language. Those were the years of silent movies, and one of the most prolific directors in that period was Robert Vignola, whose real name was Rocco Giuseppe Vignola, born in Trivigno. A giant bloomed in Hollywood, who always remained faithful to his background. This land now pays a passionate and affectionate tribute to him which will continue this year, with a day dedicated to Vignola and his movies.
Soul And Tradition

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Barile
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The hill range of Sheshë rises on the north-east side of Barile, with its many tuff caves, once used as cellars for producing Aglianico wine, and at the same time a place where people could share their everyday life. A custom representing Barile’s history, the soul and the tradition of the town. 'Soul and tradition' is the name of the event that recalls the community’s recent past and its distinctive identity called arbëreshe.
The Numistro Battle

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Muro Lucano
- Immagine progetto:
- Venue and Date:
21st and 22nd September 2019 at Muro Lucano
In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes, said Andy Warhol in the Sixties.
In Matera every town will be Capital for one Day, we can say; and Muro Lucano will respond to this in September 2019, when the entire community will take part in the organisation and the staging of events regarding the Battle of Numistro, during which the Roman Army faced Hannibal’s Carthaginian army on the battlefield.
The Enchantment Of The Tales And The Great Fairytale Ball

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Rapone - Immagine progetto:
- Venue and Date:
5th May 2019 at Rapone
- Evento:
Like a new Cinderella The Cat, Rapone turns into a Capital for a Day just like the famous princess from Basile’s fairytale, to deliver a magical experience of the Tale of Tales to everyone. Taking inspiration from Giovan Battista Basile’s collection, the project 'The enchantment of the Tales and the Great Fairytale Ball' foresees the creation of a magic journey through the village’s streets.
Lucania History Tales

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Lauriafor Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The project involves the realisation of a cycle of murals (5/6), starting from the entry doors to the town, and representing the most important moments of Basilicata’s social, political and cultural history. The initiative has several phases and will develop during the months before the date set for event realisation.
"The Heartbreaking Story Of The Gallicchio Shepherd "

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Gallicchio
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The people of Gallicchio will play a love story under an enchanting moonlight in September 2019. The 'Gola' will be the spectacular natural setting, where the Egyptian vulture, the Grifon and the Great Kite, lay their eggs every year. The ancient Andean legend, written by Hérnan H. Mamani tells the story about a young Shepherd who falls in love with a star and reaches it by flying on the wings of a bird of prey. They call him Gallicchio because of the feathers on his hat. It is a tale about the relationship between nature and its heart, about how the places we live in can determine our aspirations and our future.
Creative Basilicata

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipalities of Abriola | Sarconi | Tursi | Trecchina
- Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
Towns that interact, people who meet, roads that intersect. A harmonic fairy dance, full of suggestions. This is the challenge for Abriola, Tursi, Trecchina and Sarconi, four towns representing the 'Angels of the Basilicata', and promoting the regeneration of itineraries and tours which are the foundations of the Basilicata’s identity, in order to enhance the cultural and traditional heritage.
Tales Plot The Slowness Of Escape

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Sant'Arcangelo for Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
A place is never on its own 'that place', we are also a small part of that place. Antonio Tabucchi wrote these words in his 'Trame di racconti. La lentezza della fuga' (Tale plots, the slowness of escape). Coming from this quotations from the work of another writer will be explored: 'Ventunora a Sant’Arcangelo', by Nicola Sansanelli from Ventuora a Sant’Arcangelo.

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Co-produced by
Municipality of Montalbano Jonico
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Pro Loco Montalbano
- Sponsor:
BorgArtFest, a project that arose from the idea of creating a public art festival in the historic core of Montalbano Jonico, consists mainly of modernising some areas of the borough that have been abandoned and neglected in order to regenerate urban spaces using “street art” such as murals and transform street furniture according to the vision of street artist Tom Bob.
The Streets Of Crossed Stories

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Miglionico
- Immagine progetto:
- Venue and Date:
27th April 2019 at Miglionico
Stories are everywhere, all around us. The secret is to learn to find them, to read them and to listen to them.
This is why the project 'The streets of crossed stories' involves artists’ residency which is divided into two phases: the first one will be silent, the artists will only have to listen. The residents of Miglionico will talk, the young people, the families, the elders, invited to tell true or passed down stories of the people’s tradition.
Truccù iàmm...truccù iànn

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of San Giorgio Lucano
- Immagine progetto:
- Venue and Date:
7th September 2019 at San Giorgio Lucano
The enchanted river. This is the name of the valley of San Giorgio Lucano since it was nominated as a cultural asset of the region of San Giorgio Lucano. Val Sarmento owns a rich treasure of stories, traditions, music and rituals. The river meanders through the green slopes, carrying its colours, its sound and the magic of its landscapes, describing the territory, the culture and its inhabitants through its hypnotic flow.
An Original Cultural Melting Pot

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Atella - Immagine progetto:
- Venue and Date:
7th September 2019 at Atella
Atella has always been a model of solidarity. Between 1320 and 1330, Giovanni D’Angiò proposed the abolition of taxes for whoever wanted to move to the Vitalba Valley area. Nowadays Atella is a cultural identity melting pot, a community which animates the city thanks to the project 'Atella: an original cultural melting pot'.
Laucca – Shared And Open Artistic Human Workshop

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipalities of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa
- Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
An ancient and new way of linking: dances, maps, itineraries in order to go back to being citizens.
LAUCCA is a long-term civic project which involves the Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa municipalities. First of all, the population is invited to realise a cartographic representation of the territory– an artistic chart, which is not used for orientation but to build a shared collective portrait.
A Vijë A Vijë: Voices And Paths Of The State Of Noia

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Noepoli
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
'Boredom, boredom, boredom!' Sandra Mondaini used to say in her bed in the famous Italian sitcom Casa Vianello, but the truth is it appears that boredom is the key to creativity and to have nothing to do often brings brilliant ideas. People from Noepoli know it well, with the project 'A vijë a vijë': voices and paths of the State of Noia will use the ancient name of the feud which also includes the present area of Noepoli, once Noja (In Italian 'Noia' means 'boredom') – to recall the restless sensation of boredom.
Reloaded 2019: The Tradition That Travels In Time With Music

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipalities of Lavello and Montemilone for Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
The recipe for Reloaded 2019 includes three fundamental ingredients: good musicians, the most significant and symbolic places in Lavello and Montemilone and their people.
The final result will be a musical festival with a strong focus on its creation, a perfect mix of traditional folk music, made with barrel organs, tambourines, dances and the new languages that come from the latest technology.
Think with your feet

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Tito for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Project Partners:
Progetto Popolare Soc. Coop
ASD Polisportiva Tito - Sponsor:
- Evento:
The ball and books intertwine for a European event that combines football and literature. On the pitch of the Alfredo Mancinelli municipal stadium in Tito, four international writers (from Italy, Germany, England and Sweden) will compete in the 2019 edition of the Writers League.
Water Stories

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Latronico
for Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
There was a time when bread was baked in a common oven, when clothes were washed in the same water, and the days were divided by precise and collective tasks. The water stories project wants to recall the slowness of those rhythms and the authenticity of traditions through a number of initiatives dedicated to the recovery of old values and manual activities. Latronico and its precious peculiarities will be the protagonist of these two days, especially the manual activities (such as the puntino ad ago, the typical embroidery technique from Basilicata nominated by UNESCO as worldwide heritage), the natural resources (such as the Calda di Latronico water) and its history (to discover during the visits to the historic pluming factories).
"A Journey Through Stories And Visions "

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Palazzo San Gervasio for Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
All stories are visions from the past, or anticipations from the future. During its Day as a Capital, Palazzo San Gervasio wil start a journey through stories and visions which include music, images, video maps and new technologies. On 15th and 16th June, the community of Palazzo San Gervasio will be involved in three storytellings and in the sharing of: A journey between stories and visions.
Word Format

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Fardella
- Immagine progetto:
- Evento:
A celebration of words.
Fardella has worked for years on its vocabulary, but today it opens its doors to visitors within a festival over three days of workshops, author meetings with scholars and open celebrations, such as the conferment as an honorary citizen to Andy Donato, a Canadian cartoonist whose father was from Lucania and who was born in Fardella himself.
Roti Land: Land Of Popular History

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Ruoti
for Capital for one day - Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
In the same way men’s wisdom is hidden behind the wrinkles on their faces, the cities relive the secrets of their past through the remaining relics.
The town of Ruoti celebrates its identity starting from the customs and traditions of its society, in order to tell the guests the identity of a community, born in the 6th century BC and which is deeply anchored to its origins, but still looks to the future with trust.
I bow to the stones

- Project Leader/Coproduzione/Ecc.:
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Stiglianofor Capital for one day
- Immagine progetto:
- Sponsor:
- Evento:
There is an unwritten rule at Stigliano: failure and disappointment exist, but the important thing is how to face them. Dignity and resilience, not by chance, are two characteristics that identify the inhabitants of the place and who, during the candidacy of the Matera 2019 - Capital for a day project, will be honoured by remembering one of Stigliano’s most illustrious citizens: Jimmy Savo.
Un atlante del paesaggio rupestre

- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
Credits photo: Raffaele Petrozza
Il progetto promosso da Arci Basilicata in collaborazione con Arci nazionale, prevede la realizzazione di una residenza con l’obiettivo di costruire una narrazione visiva del paesaggio rupestre tra Matera e Montescaglioso. Attraverso un’open call internazionale lanciata in collaborazione con la BJCEM – Biennale dei Giovani Artisti del Mediterraneo, verranno selezionati tre artisti under 35 attivi nell’ambito del disegno, della grafica e dell'illustrazione under 35 che saranno ospitati a Matera per un mese con lo scopo di costruire, attraverso un bagaglio di suggestioni, racconti e narrazioni storiche o immaginarie, un piccolo atlante del paesaggio rupestre che separa Matera da Montescaglioso.
Il paesaggio della Murgia materana è popolato da innumerevoli luoghi di culto scavati nelle roccie, per secoli popolati da gruppi religiosi, pellegrini ed eremiti. La relazione secolare e la coabitazione tra uomo e natura aspra costituisce un palinsesto di suggestioni notevole per la realizzazione di una residenza che si fonda sulla necessità di praticare il territorio per raccontarlo.
La residenza sarà l’occasione per attivare un laboratorio di illustrazione con un gruppo di richiedenti asilo e rifugiati accolti presso i progetti di accoglienza SPRAR gestiti da Arci Basilicata. La raccolta di storie ed immagini, di fantasie e di fiabe della narrazione orale, comporranno il background per la creazione di un piccolo atlante, una ricognizione di sassi, storie, leggende nascoste.
Azioni previste durante la residenza:
- Prima fase della residenza degli artisti: orientamento, incontri con esperti del territorio e punti di riferimento della comunità locale
- Camminate partecipate tra Matera a Montescaglioso. Si prevede di realizzare due camminate-laboratorio con la partecipazione di esperti del territorio (da antropologi a geologi, da naturalisti ad archeologi o semplici camminatori) e con un gruppo di richiedenti asilo e rifugiati.
Gli esiti finali della residenza saranno oggetto di una mostra finale e di una progetto editoriale collettivo realizzato ad hoc dagli artisti.
Open Design School Article Count: 1
Ancient future Article Count: 36
The cultural projects contained in the “Ancient Future” section allow for a careful reflection on the millennia-long relationship of humanity with space and the stars. By retracing the steps of Pythagoras, one of the region’s most illustrious residents , it explores the ancient universal beauty of mathematics. At the same time, the infinite possibilities of dialogue between man and nature will be analysed, through concerts and visits to spiritual places - such as rock-hewn churches - or places of cosmological interest - such as the Space Geodesy Centre- . Very old practices and new life models will be put on trial, hypothesizing new development models for the coming decades.
Continuity and disruptions Article Count: 24
As in many other European cities, Matera’s relationship with modernity is conflicting. Twenty-five years after the inclusion of the “Sassi”, once a “national shame”, in the UNESCO World Heritage list, the city is still trying to come to terms with its physical identity. The section of the program called “Continuity and Disruptions” represents an opportunity to develop a collective therapy and the possibility to face not only the shame of the city itself but also its multiple forms at the European level. These range from increasing social inequalities, to the resurgence of racism, the inability of many European countries to offer a future and hope to their youth and the drama of the exodus of desperate people fleeing the ongoing wars in Africa and Asia. Matera 2019 will be an opportunity to witness the beauty of the city, not only in theatres and museums, but also in the spaces we live in everyday.
Reflections and connections Article Count: 45
The theme “Reflections and Connections” starts from the classic Latin motto, later adopted by Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Festina lente” (make haste slowly). We must rediscover the value of time and slowness, distance ourselves from the hegemony of the immediate present and take a step back from the accelerated pace that marks life in the 21 st Century. The cultural program also intends to prove that art, science and widespread practice of cultural citizenship can represent, throughout Europe, the catalysing elements of a new, revolutionary model of community rooted in the “practice of daily life”. The physical environment of Matera encourages us to rethink things “ab initio” and to consider crucial questions and fundamental values.
Matera Residencies 2019 Article Count: 8
Utopias and dystopias Article Count: 16
Starting from the irrepressible utopian tension in the history of Matera, the theme “Utopias and Dystopias” intends to test new innovative schemes that represent a challenge to preconceptions about the cities of the South including that tourism is the only way to achieve economic stability, technology is the only model of mediation possible for relationships, industrial monoculture is the only opportunity for development and that food and wine are the main identifiers of a territory. There is a need for a profound change of mentality, which goes beyond fatalistic attitudes, amoral familism, and the opacity of information and management of public affairs, which have often hindered the renewal of Southern Italy. Through a series of urban and rural games and sports, Matera will be transformed into a terrain on which we can imagine possible alternatives to the realities that we take for granted.
Roots and routes Article Count: 39
The “Roots and Routes” section precisely explores the extraordinary possibilities of the mobility culture that unites Europe. The instinct for movement is rooted in the daily life of Matera, ever since the tradition of “transhumance”, which every year sees the herds of cattle move across the Murgia plateau. Mobility is the lifeblood of the region: from Magna Graecia to Rome, or from the age of the Byzantines and Longobards, Arabs, Swabians or Angevins, Basilicata has always been a place of meeting and convergence. Recently, like many other rural regions of Europe, Matera has had to face devastating migratory diasporas, to then see the recent beginning of a return of a generation of young people, attracted by the values rooted in southern Italian culture.