MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop
Cinema and poetry seen as a lingua franca to bring together peoples, civilisations and cultures: this is the objective of Rete Cinema Basilicata, to seek connections and points of contact between the different European countries in the Mediterranean through cinema and the universal language of poetry.
The driving force behind it is the great Rocco Scotellaro, a poet, writer and much more, and a symbol of the freedom of countryfolk and of the Lucanian pride which mark his commitment and his production.
The film, an immersive experience, will be a collective enterprise, an open participative workshop, and will take place in Matera at an artistic residency between 18 April and 2 May.
There will be five pairs of authors from all over Mediterranean Europe. The pairs are formed by a film-maker and a poet, starting with the poem La mia bella patria (My Beautiful Fatherland) leading to a production of the film in five episodes. The film is called MaTerre and will be presented in a world preview on 24 August 2019 in Matera at the Parco della Murgia, followed by the music and performances of the Festa della Terra (The Earth Festival). As the poem says, in the hope that a breath can transplant this distant seed.
Co-produced by
Rete Cinema Basilicata and
Lucana Film Commission
Meditalents, France
Albanian National Film Center, Albania
Balkan Film Market , Albania
Rattapallax, USA
Circe/Università di Torino, Italy
Dams/Università della Calabria, Italy
Universosud , Italy
Noeltan Film Studio, Italy
Fabrique Entertainment, Italy
Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Madrid, Spain
Franco Piavoli, Italy
John Giorno, USA
Lello Voce, Italy
Antonello Faretta, Italy
Paolo Heritier, Italy
Gabriele Frasca, Italy
Jacques Gilbert, France
Adriano Aprà, Italy
Yolanda Castaño, Spain
Aurelia Lassaque, France
Nilson Muniz, Portugal
Eduard Escoffet, Spain
Domenico Brancale, Italy
Ferdinando Mirizzi, Italy
Francesco Marano, Italy
5 film-makers from across the Mediterranean area were selected from those who responded to a public invitation:
Vito Foderà, Italy
Gianluca Abbate, Italy
Blerina Goce, Albania
Elena Zervopoulou, France/Greece
Giuseppe Schillaci, Italy
Simone Arcagni, Italy
Oscar Iarussi, Italy
With the patronage of
Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo - Università degli Studi della Basilicata | Municipality of Matera
Supported by BCC Basilicata