Truccù iàmm...truccù iànn
The enchanted river. This is the name of the valley of San Giorgio Lucano since it was nominated as a cultural asset of the region of San Giorgio Lucano. Val Sarmento owns a rich treasure of stories, traditions, music and rituals. The river meanders through the green slopes, carrying its colours, its sound and the magic of its landscapes, describing the territory, the culture and its inhabitants through its hypnotic flow.
The project will include the use of drones, experts, aerial shooting and all the best media to discover, document and to capture the images of the water, the caves. It will steal the most magical glimpses in order to carry out, with the collaboration of local musicians, a multimedia product able to reveal all the facets of the enchanted river.
The result will be a new tale called TRUCCU’-IÀMM… TRUCCU’-IÀNN (the truccua is a local instrument musicale locale – mm a local expression that suggests the idea of the river’s flow), made of music, images and performances.
The project will end with a spectacular show in symbolic locations of Val Sarmento: the 'thousand caves', amphitheatre 'Porta del Pollino' and the places made even more beautiful by local artists and musicians who will guide us with their instruments and their folk music, in a fascinating territory.
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of San Giorgio Lucano
7th September 2019 at San Giorgio Lucano
(*) Dates and venues may be subject to change