The Renaissance As Seen from the South
Matera, the Mediterranean and Southern Italy between the 15th and the 16th Century
Whoever said that the Renaissance only happened in the centre and north of Italy? Let’s take a fresh look, starting from the South – from the shores of the Mediterranean, the age-old crossroads of culture and civilisation, people and the arts. We’ll discover a new Renaissance, with links to Florence, Milan, Rome and Venice but with its own distinctive features. It’s a very different story.
This is the objective of 'Renaissance seen from the South', an exhibition organised by Marta Ragozzino, Pierluigi Leone de Castris, Matteo Ceriana and Dora Catalano, which offers a different view of one of the most prosperous periods of Italy’s history. The route starts from the Mediterranean and takes us to Naples, Spain, Provence and Flanders, following a map that illustrates a world and the artists and scholars who inhabited it.
There are over 180 works from the collections of the most prestigious Italian and European museums, symbolising an eclectic culture that never forgets its origins: portraits and sculptures, maps and navigational charts, all participate in a game of connections made up of cultural exchanges and influences, at the meeting point between the Renaissance and the Mediterranean.
Co-produced by
Polo Museale della Basilicata
University of Basilicata, Italy
University “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, Italy
Marta Ragozzino (Director of the Polo Museale della Basilicata), Pierluigi Leone de Castris, Matteo Ceriana, Dora Catalano