Petroleum, Man and Nature in the Anthropocene
With oil in the background as an obscure engine - for 150 years, for better or for worse - of the world's events, the project is inspired by the unfinished work of the same name by Pier Paolo Pasolini, which, published posthumously 17 years after his violent death, probes the radical and underground transformations of social, urban and natural landscapes.
Giuseppe Biscaglia and Francesco Scaringi, curators of the project, with the co-production of Basilicata 1799, as in the core of an extraction well they explore the various terrestrial stratifications through theatre, dance, performing arts and the intention to investigate the relationship between man and nature in the Anthropocene, the new geological era in which the ecological balance depends on human behaviour. With this in mind, they have created a series of proposals:
Giacimenta, by Francesca Corona and Michele di Stefano, plays with geological, social and human stratigraphy, to find new points of contact between places and people.
Sedimenti, by Massimo Carosi, traces maps of human influence on the environments of the Mediterranean and Basilicata.
Stratificazioni, produced by Abito in Scena, looks at the idea of building an identity as a stratification of human and natural relations in complex ecosystems. The creative journey is intertwined with the future of living environments that indicate the feeling of identification and belonging to a place;
Pensiero Geo-logico, a space for reflection on the interdependence between humans and nature and on the actions necessary for the development of a better future.
Co-produced by
Associazione Basilicata 1799
L’Officina Atelier Marseilais de production / Festival Dansem danse contemporaine en Méditerrané, France
Area 06 / Short Theatre, Italy
Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane danza d’autore, Italy
Abito in scena Potenza, Italy
Alessandro Sciarroni, Italy
Maria Hassabi, Cyprus/USA
Silvia Rampelli, Italy
Industrie Indipendenti, Italy
Bassam Abou Diab, Lebanon
Yeinner Chicas, Spain / Nicaragua
Olimpia Fortuni, Italy
Leonardo Maietto, Italy
Ayman Sharaf El Dine, Lebanon
Stefano Zazzera, Italy
Pensiero geo-logico:
Volumezero architecture and landscape, Italy
Luca Catalano e Annalisa Metta, Italy
Emanuele Coccia, Italy
Marcello Di Paola, Italy
Mariavaleria Mininni, Italy
Gianfranco Pellegrino, Italy
Giuseppe Pontrandolfi, Italy
Bartolomeo Dichio, Italy
Anna Mininni, Italy
Supported by BCC Basilicata