The Enchantment Of The Tales And The Great Fairytale Ball
Like a new Cinderella The Cat, Rapone turns into a Capital for a Day just like the famous princess from Basile’s fairytale, to deliver a magical experience of the Tale of Tales to everyone. Taking inspiration from Giovan Battista Basile’s collection, the project 'The enchantment of the Tales and the Great Fairytale Ball' foresees the creation of a magic journey through the village’s streets.
Guided by the Fairytale hunter, the participants will discover Italy’s fairytale heritage, diving into the stories staged by more than 30 artists coming from seven different arts, which will bring Basile’s characters to life through performances located in the most spectacular parts of the city; characters from the small scazzamauriedd to the young witches of the Neapolitan version of Cinderella.
In the evening, as in any tale, the doors of the Grand Fairytale Ball will open, and a masquerade ball will take place during which hundreds of lamps will light the sky of Rapone, bringing up the lights of a community to the stars, a community that believes in beauty and in hospitality with the same innocence and indefatigable strength with which children believe in fairytales.
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Rapone
5th May 2019 at Rapone
(*) Dates and venues may be subject to change