A Vijë A Vijë: Voices And Paths Of The State Of Noia
'Boredom, boredom, boredom!' Sandra Mondaini used to say in her bed in the famous Italian sitcom Casa Vianello, but the truth is it appears that boredom is the key to creativity and to have nothing to do often brings brilliant ideas. People from Noepoli know it well, with the project 'A vijë a vijë': voices and paths of the State of Noia will use the ancient name of the feud which also includes the present area of Noepoli, once Noja (In Italian 'Noia' means 'boredom') – to recall the restless sensation of boredom.
Considering that from this state of mind art can be created, the events in Noepoli Capital for a Day will be based on the experience of two female artists who will create itineraries nourished by silence and slowness, but also by encounters and workshops involving the entire community. The result of this long creative period will be revealed from 30th August to 1st September.
The presentation of an advertising campaign created by Guendalina Salini, with billboards and postcards will turn the towns of the Sarmento Valley into proper brands with catchy slogans, a must for every tourist; while Luana W. Perilli will create a narrative path which will overlap the real paths along the Sarmento river, putting forward the oral tradition material. The celebration in Noepoli will end at sunset, right on the riverbed, ready to drive away boredom by celebrating it with readings and performances.
Realized in co-production by
Municipality of Noepoli
for Capital for one day