Heritage games
Matera 2019, in collaboration with Unesco Youth Committee, has organised a packed programme of events on 23rd and 24th February,on the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (promoted by the Mibact).
About 200 participants from all over Italy will take part in conferences and congresses, activities open to the public and workshops organised by Matera 2019 and Unesco Youth Committee.
The programme also includes the exhibition “Trecento’19 – Duemila’19, 319 copertine d’autore della «Lettura» per Matera capitale europea della cultura 2019 (319 front pages of “Lettura” by artists for Matera European Capital of Culture 2019)” organised by Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation, Fondazione Corriere della Sera and the Museums of Basilicata. It showcases the first 319 front pages of the cultural supplement to the «Corriere della Sera», published from 13th November 2011 to 7th January 2018.
On 24th February at 10:00 a.m. at Casa Cava international guests will take part in the public conference on the theme Tourism in the days of sharing economy: utopia or dystopia?
On Saturday 24th February, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30, Matera 2019 organised People, Places and Purposes with the aim of trying out new ways for making visitors experience the people of the city alongside its places and monuments. It is an itinerary exploring places, people and projects of Matera 2019 for their tangible and intangible heritage. The itinerary is made up of several steps from the Sassi up to the neighbourhood of Agna Le Piane in the Southern part of the city. Registration is required due to the limited availability of places.
Friday 23rd February
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Opening Ceremony of “Unesco Italian Youth Forum”
Auditorium Gervasio
The new course / approach of #UNESCOgiovani, Paolo Petrocelli
Motivational speaker: Pierluigi Sacco
25 years since Matera was designated a Unesco World Heritage site: Vito de Filippo, Undersecretary of MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research - Luisa Montevecchi, Director of Servizio I, Coordination –UNESCO Office- Marcello Pittella, President of the Basilicata Region- Raffaello De Ruggieri, Mayor of Matera - Aurelia Sole, President of Basilicata - Matera 2019 Foundation - Mariano Schiavone, Director of APT (Local Tourism Board) of Basilicata
European Year of Cultural Heritage
Motivational speaker: Fabio Maccione, Senior Public Affairs Manager Flixbus Italia
Speakers: Lorena Aldana, Member of the European Cultural Heritage expert - Marta Ragozzino, Director of Museums of Basilicata - Paolo Verri, General Manager and Serafino Paternoster, Press Office Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Focus “Città invincibili”) - Teresa Gualtieri (FICLU-Italian Federation of Clubs Associations and Centers for Unesco- responsible for the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Italy)
Young People for Heritage
Motivational speaker: Adama Sanneh, co- founder Moleskine Foundation
Speakers: Tommaso Murè, UN Youth Delegate – Italy - Giuseppina Del Marco, UN Youth Delegate – Italy - Manon Champier, PhD candidate and You-tuber «C’est une autre histoire»
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Opening of the exhibition “Trecento'19 – Duemila'19 - 319 copertine d'autore della «Lettura» per Matera capitale europea della cultura 2019” (“Three-hundred’19 – Two-thousand'19 - 319 front pages of “Lettura” by artists for Matera European Capital of Culture 2019”)
Museo Ridola
Organised by Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation, Fondazione Corriere della Sera and the Museums of Basilicata, the exhibition showcases the first 319 front pages of the cultural supplement to the «Corriere della Sera», published from 13th November 2011 to 7th January 2018.
Saturday 24th February
10:00a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Tourism in the days of sharing economy: utopia or dystopia? (curated by Matera 2019)
Casa Cava
Raffaello De Ruggieri –Mayor of Matera
Francesco Tapinassi, Manager of the Tourism Department – MiBACT, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism,
Tommaso Sacchi, Head of the Cultural Secretariat, Curator of Estate Fiorentina
Rossella Tarantino, Development and relations manager, Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation
Ottavia Ricci, Expert Counsellor for sustainable tourism policies, MIBACT(Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism)
Case Study: Claartje van Ette, City of Amsterdam
Moderator: Emmanuele Curti
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
"People, places and Purposes" (a cura di Matera 2019)
An itinerary exploring places people and projects of Matera 2019 for their tangible and intangible heritage. We would like to try out a new way of making visitors live the city focusing not just on the places (“the monuments”) but also on the people who live the places and make them alive, as well as on what happens there, especially in view of Matera 2019.
Limited places available. Booking required at link.