“People have the power”, four meetings on the future of democracy in Europe
With the project “People have the power”, Matera 2019, along with the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, investigates one of the most important issues facing us today. The project consists of a series of four initiatives which began in Milan on the 29th October 2018 and will continue in Brussels and Matera.
The aim of the GiangiacomoFeltrinelli Foundation is to combine real change with innovative forms of cultural entertainment. It is therefore closely aligned with Matera European Capital of Culture in its analysis of the processes of bottom-up participation and of how active citizenship based on identity and inclusive practice is able to renew communities and revitalise economies. These processes have allowed young people to become active members of society.
On the afternoon of the 29th October the inaugural presentation of the projects of Matera 2019 took place as part of a round table discussion with Spartaco Puttini, PM of the Osservatorio sulla democrazia (Democracy Observatory), Alessandro Guida, a researcher at the Osservatorio sulla democrazia (Democracy Observatory), Rosanna Prevete, PM of the Futuro del lavoro (Future of work) and research coordinator on the State and public responsibility, Luciano Fasano of the University of Milan, Giovanni Allegrettiand Michelangelo Secchi of the Centre for Social Studies of theUniversity of Coimbra, Fiorella De Cindioof the Rete civica milanese (Civil Network of Milan), Giovanni Moro of the Fondazione per la Cittadinanza Attiva (Active Citizenship Foundation), Luca Argenta of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and members of Matera 2019, including the director, Paolo Verri.
From 7 pm on, during the discussion ‘Democracy is: the power to decide’, international guests Richard Bellamy of the EUI, European University Institute, and Professor Luciano Fasanoof the University of Milan discussed how civic activism might define new forms of democracy and economy and spark ways of thinking and acting which might change reality
This is just the first instalment of a journey which will also include:
01 FEBRUARY, Brussels
Democracy is: the power to transform reality
With: Yves Sintomer –Marc Bloch Centre
27 FEBRUARY, Matera
Democracy is: the power to achieve
With: Giovanni Moro – Fondazione per la Cittadinanza Attiva (Active Citizenship Foundation)
20 JUNE, Milano
Democracy is: the power to plan the future
With: RutgerBregman – historian and writer
People have the power is a journey in four instalments which aims to investigate processes of bottom-up participation, as can be seen in the Matera 2019 “Future digs” project in the Candidature book of Matera 2019.