Roots and routes

Trenodia (Threnody) is a participatory work of art that proposes to work collectively on crying for everything that is life-threatening in our world. The premise is to transform the grievances expressed as ritual tears, a resounding collective wailing and lamentation, into a creative and united form in order, as Ernesto De Martino says, 'not to die with what dies'.

By 2050 the Earth will have 9 billion inhabitants. In other words, there will be 9 billion mouths to feed. Edible Orchestra’s role is to talk about food not only as an emergency, but above all as an indispensable asset for the wellbeing and economy of a community, as an incentive to be accountable, widen your horizons, care for the environment and look to the future.

Worship, spiritual research, taking care of oneself and stewardship of creation: there are so many reasons for a pilgrimage. Particularly to Matera, where Mary is La Bruna for everyone and the patron saints are a tangible presence, animating religious celebrations and services.

Once dough was kneaded at home, maybe by several hands. Then it was taken to the communal oven, where everyone waited their turn. And all this time, making the same food as the others but in their own way, they were never alone. A singular identity was formed from just two basic ingredients: flour and water.

It’s a story starting with grains of wheat and ending with a fragrant loaf. Breadway is an immersive experience which takes place in the Piccianello district in Matera, in its bread-making streets.

Flight tickets, packaging, leaves, forgotten objects found in your pocket or on the street: this is the collection presented by M.E.M.O.RI. Euro-Mediterranean Museum of Re(f)used Objects, an accidental museum of circumstances, in which the visitor physically interacts with the objects and is invited to embark on a 'hand-mission', to establish direct contact with the exhibits and access their internal memory.

La Nave degli Incanti
AWARE, from the neighbourhood that since 2012 has housed the premises of the Gommalacca Teatro company - the Cocuzzo district of Potenza, with its concrete Ship - is characterised by the conception of a travelling theatre, La Nave degli Incanti (The Enchanted Ship): a spectacular street machine travelling along the Basentana highway, circulating the multiple and constantly changing identities of contemporary Lucania, collected during the research/action phase and reinterpreted by the artistic direction of Carlotta Vitale, directed by Mimmo Conte and written by Riccardo Spagnulo.

Taking part in the Mammamiaaa community is easy and anyone can do it. All you need is to have a family recipe and be ready to talk about it. Then you just serve it to family and friends, so they can organise lunch, a snack or an evening meal.

Who is the mysterious traveller who walks around the streets of Oppido Lucano? In its day as a Capital, the town will carry out a travelling show along the extra moenia (outside the walls) Trecedde, in order to enhance the unknown parts of the town which are of great historical and cultural importance. These locations will turn into multimedia sets with stories, music, artistic installations, projections and exhibitions, and every stop along this walk through art and nature will be divided into other micro events, forming a structural narration.