The fourth workshop for our thirty-one project leaders was held on the 25th and 26th September at the Foundation “Sassi” in Matera.
The “co-creation” phase is coming to completion. The project leaders have acquired the necessary know-how and exchanged ideas to improve the quality of their projects. Concurrently, Ariane Bieou, the Cultural Manager, with the assistance of Agostino Riitano, Ida Leone and other collaborators, has had the possibility to coordinate and monitor progress as well as to evaluate critical issues and potentials.
We have to imagine the work progressing on two levels:
- vertical: each project leader develops his/her own project;
- horizontal: project leaders follow directives and insights given by the Cultural Manager based on the criticalities and the themes that individuals have in common.

The road leading to Rifreddo, which reaches a height of 1,174 metres at the pass, is a path towards meditation. Imagine a place of wonder, surrounded by silence, almost completely isolated. Imagine 31 Project Leaders who represent almost the whole artistic, cultural, musical and production sectors of Basilicata. Imagine that the conductors are Ariane Bieou,the Foundation's cultural manager, Agostino Riitano, expert in cultural policies, and Ida Leone, head of the Build Up programme. Close the doors, the windows and any possible escape route for four days! Mix everything together with authorized external incursions of experts, facilitators and energizers, and the result is the Camp for Project Leaders.

A digital volunteer from the Matera 2019 web team also participated to this co-creation workshop with the 31 project leaders commissioned to develop, together with the Foundation, 20 projects of the 2019 cultural programme. Here is Fabio Rizzi’s account.
The third co-creation workshop of the Matera 2019 projects took place on the 17th-18th July;these meetings are part of an actual educational course - defined in the build up cultural area - which the 31 project leaders must participate in, i.e. the legally recognized local association networks, selected following a Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation Public Call.

A volunteer from the Matera 2019 web team will attend each event dedicated to the co-creation process, both to participate closely in the production of the Matera 2019 cultural programme and to write-up an account that will be made available to everyone. This week was Mimino Ricciardi’s turn. Happy reading ;)
The Sassi Foundation hosted the second co-creation workshop with the 31 Project Leaders that have been commissioned with the development of various projects from the OpenFuture bid book. A two-day workshop held on 10th-11th July which focused on the artistic dimension during which the participants had the opportunity to perfect the evaluated projects.

62 participants on the first day, 31 on the second, 20 pads of used Post-it notes, 10 metres of A2 paper sheets laid out, 10 dried out marker pens, numerous litres of water drunk to combat African heat: these are the numbers of the first co-creative workshop starring 31 Project Leaders, selected following a Matera – Basilicata 2019 Foundation Public Tender to design and develop 20 of the 50 plus projects of the winning bid book.