HUD | Hip-Hop Urban Diary
On Sunday, 5th August 2018, the eighth step towards 2019 will be dedicated to young people as well as to the HUD hip-hop music.
HUD stands for H=hip hop U=urban D=diary. Promoted by Matera 2019 and entrusted to Paolo Irene – the artistic director - this innovative project starts from the vital energy of the young people from Matera.
A really interesting musical line-up will perform at Parco del Boschetto from 8 p.m. in a virtuous contamination between arts and music.
Many concerts in a single event with Black Drama, one of the major locally renowned rappers, Oversize Click – the hip hop groups featuring their evolution towards modern music through trap, I Mulini a Vento, who will bring old school style tracks and electronic music, thus mixing funky sounds and deep basses, and the Buzu Family with the perfect synthesis between old and new school. The rapper Nayt + 3D will be the special guest of the event.
At Parco del Boschetto the young people will perform other forms of art besides music with writers, breakers and skaters gathered in a unique and extraordinary community. Hip-hop and rap will be the new language for the protagonists of the future of the city that can lead unarmed battles and set off creative pathways.
Street and collective battles aimed at social success reaching beyond the censorship and the skepticism of the “official” world.
Matera and hip hop: two realities that are no longer a niche.