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Lucani in the world
Why Matera 2019
Why would the city of Matera want to represent European culture in 2019? From the ‘50s onwards Matera has been an important place for experimentation and innovation. It has attracted great filmmakers and artists, and it has been a fertile ground for successful collaboration between locals and those from outside the community. Matera has made great efforts in becoming the first city in the South of Italy to be included as a World Heritage site; once an unacknowledged city, it is now one of the most outstanding cities of art to visit; although Matera is a city which has implemented a number of important regeneration schemes, as yet it has not exploited its enormous cultural potential to the full.
Being a candidate city for 2019 means endowing Matera with a new, powerful and idealogical drive to undertake the next phase in its transformation. It means being able to think of a city moving on from one phase - making its historical, cultural and architectural heritage accessible and usable for tourism - to a new phase. On the one hand this aims at attracting cultural, economic and technological talents on a permanent basis, and on the other this poses the problem of sustainability such a project entails. Matera is prepared to accept this challenge, whether it is won or not. The possibility of becoming one of the main cities for attracting both tourists and valuable mobile resources (talents and creative industries) and to specialise in service sectors can become a concrete reality. We want to build an open city, which can give carte blanche to European operators in the culture and arts sector, and create a space available for everyone. We want economic infrastructure which can lower costs, operative infrastructure which make realising your own ideas easier, using technology to speed up sharing communication and comments.
A cultural space which is truly “open”, to welcome the whole of Europe where a high culture experience can be produced in a simple and shared way. Where the public is committed and professional the institutions are always ready to add contribute to a project, and to, be an integral part of European Capital of Culture.
Matera, the city
Matera, at a Glance
With a population of around 55,000 inhabitants, Matera has an altitude of 401 meters (1315 ft.) above sea level and is distant 45 kilometers (28 mi) from the sea. The city is organised by three areas dated back to different historical periods. The oldest, called the Sassi is joined by a spur from the Civita to the Cathedral; the Medieval - Renaissance area is developed alongside the "Plan" on the edge of the Sassi; then, the Modern city, elegant districts designed by some of the most famous Italian architects.
Matera is a very alive and creative, a city of our times, a bearer of a culture that thrives on contemporary events and ancient history. Many are the symbols and the churches of Matera built between the thirteenth and nineteenth century, largely inspired by the echoes of baroque architecture; yet, the oldest are St. John , St. Dominic and the Duomo with an intense influences of the Apulian-Romanesque culture. This shows that while there were laure (ancient Byzantine shelters) and the caves, Matera developed a parallel civilised life open to relations with neighboring populations.
Matera is an ancient city and its origin can be found in the meander of the prehistory age. For the characteristic substrate housing, consisting of caves dug into the tuff rock, Matera is known as the “underground city” and for the continuity of living in its dwellings, from the Paleolithic period to the nowadays, it is considered one of the oldest city in the world.
Initially, groups of nomadic peoples appeared on the Murgia, followed by others communities dedicated to the pastoralism. The latter communities were attracted in this area by the existing traditional tank of water called Lurio and afterwards, they occupied caves organizing themselves into entrenched villages on the Murgia Timone, on Murgecchia and on the hill of "Civita". The settlement of the Civita is considered as the nucleus of the future city of Matera. In this regard, important is the study of the archaeologist Domenico Ridola, in which is demonstrated the antiquity and continuity through the historical stratigraphy of the city. Coincidentally, by preparing the foundations of a building nearby the Cathedral it was discovered, layer by layer, the various periods of the Matera’s history. At a level of 6 meters (20 ft.), they found the risen city from the ruins of barbarian invasions, Saracen and Christian tombs carved into the tuff rock. Further down, they found fragments of statues, capitals, columns indicating the previous period and coins showing the Byzantine dominance. Following the lower layer, they found Greek and Roman pottery’s shards. In the last layer, 10 meters (33 ft.) deep, they found fragments of pottery dating back to the early Iron Age, similar to ones found into Murgia Timone , Murgecchia and other local stations. In addition to these eloquent stratigraphic records, the historical events of Matera are highlighted by the abundant and interesting historical findings collected in the National Museum of Matera (Museo Nazionale di Matera), where it is possible to observe findings of the Lower Paleolithic era, Greek and Roman, up to 10th century, even though some historical gaps might be detected.
Henceforth a little historical digression of the city, Matera reached its first identity when it was occupied by the Greek colonies followed by the Roman domination. In 568, there were the Lombards’ invations; in 612, the Lombards were defeated with the help of Constantius III, the Emperor of Constantinople; afterwards, in 664 Matera became part of the Duchy of Benevento. In 867, the city falls again into the hands of the Lombards, attacked by the Saracens, the Lombards asked for the intervention of the Emperor Louis II the Younger, which burned and then rebuild the city once again. In 938, Matera undergoes other incursions and depredations of the Saracens. Contended by the Salernitani and conquered by Otto I; in 978, Matera passed under the Greeks control; In 994, it was rebuilt after an earthquake; yet, it was still for a long time besieged by the Saracens. After that, the Normans had the County of Matera as an independent state. In 1043, the first count was William, followed by the Altavilla (the leadership of Robert is left to the Matera Crusaders for joining the arrays of Bohemond). Faithful to Frederick II, unwillingly adapted to the domination of the House of Anjou he hoped the truce under the Aragonese. The Aragonese formally promised to keep Matera dependent, but often this commitment was not respected, for instance, serious consequences were registered after the sale of the Count of Matera to Giancarlo Tramontano, who hated by the entire population was slain in 1514.
The alternating of freedom and subjection, with various vicissitudes of redemptions and sales, Matera became part of the Terra d' Otranto, in 1663; the city was chosen as the seat of the Royal Audience of the region of Basilicata and aggregated to it remained the capital until the 1806. From 1927 Matera was again elevated to the Provincial Capital of the Basilicata, currently composed by 31 municipalities.
The website of the Municipality of Matera
How to get there
By Flight
Bari Palese Airport (50 km.) + Shuttle service from the Airport to Matera
Matera-Bari: 4:55 (6:10), 10:45 (12:00), 13:00 (14:15), 17:10 (18:25), 20:30 (21.45)
Bari-Matera: 00:30 (1:45), 9:15 (10:30), 14:40 (15:55), 15:45 (17:00), 19:15 (20:30)
To book the shuttle:
By train
Ferrovie Appulo Lucane (FAL) or Trenitalia. Trenitalia doesn't arrive in Matera, the nearest train station is Metaponto, or Ferrandina. There's a shuttle service to and from these stations.
By bus
Service from Marino, Marozzi anche Liscio private companies.
By car
If you are coming from the Tyrrhenian coast
Take the motorway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, exit at Sicignano Alburni (Sa) and follow the signs for power. Then continue in the direction along the SS 407 Basentana Metaponto, Matera take exit (immediately after Ferrandina) onto the SP 99, and continue for about 30 km.
If you are coming from the Adriatic coast
Take the motorway Bologna-Taranto exit Bari Nord. Continue to the industrial area on the SP 96 and 99 Altamura-Matera.
If you are coming from the Ionian coast of Calabria, or Sicily
Use the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, exit at Sybaris and take the SS 106 towards Taranto. Near Metaponto, Matera take the exit and follow the signs.
If you are coming from the Ionian coast of Puglia
Take the SS 106 towards Taranto. Exceeded Taranto, continue on SS 106 and near Metaponto, Matera take the exit and follow the signs.
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Progetti europei
Elenco progetti , abstract e relativo link
Projects and european networks
August / October 2013
Basilicata Border Games
Let’s Play In Basilicata! 120 children from all over Basilicata, Italy and Europe, find themselves competing in teams to accomplish missions in 4 different cities across the region. It’s fun, it’s a big game, and it’s the start of a network of future European citizens.
October 29 / November 1, 2013
LOTE Edgeryders
The 3rd Meeting of Living On The Edge (LOTE) of Edgeryders takes place in Matera. Edgeryders - which designed unMonastery - is a community and think tank of experts made up of citizens who make suggestions to the Council of Europe in the field of European youth policy.
EdgeRyders now has about 250 employees working in over 30 countries, generating an impressive amount of high quality content focusing on how young Europeans face the transition to adulthood in a time of crisis.
February / May 2014
In an already identified location in Matera, unMonastery is a new kind of social space; a modern version of a medieval monastery (albeit totally secular), a place where the inhabitants live and work together to serve the community.
By living together the cost of living is reduced, through realignment of the energies and efforts of the so-called non-monks and non-nuns. The concept aims to enhance the ability to deal with collective problems and fosters an environment for collaborative ideas and innovation.
first half of 2014
Matera adheres to Wikitalia, a project led by a group of citizens who believe that the Internet can enable new forms of collaboration between institutions and citizens. They make it possible to mobilize collective intelligence of civic communities and channel it towards common goals: this greatly increases the ability of government authorities in a complex society, and breathes new life in to democratic participation.
Matera e l'Europa, lavori in corso (2)
Olanda, Bulgaria, Bruxelles. Tappe di una candidatura sempre più internazionale.
Olanda: Rossella Tarantino è stata ospite del Governo Olandese per definire un programma di cooperazione tra Matera 2019 ed i Paesi Bassi, e a rafforzare una collaborazione bilaterale con le istituzioni olandesi creative. Il viaggio è stato organizzato dall’Ambasciata Olandese in Italia e dal Dutch Centre for International Cultural cooperation (SICA), che è il braccio operativo del Ministero della Cultura, Istruzione e Ricerca e del Ministero degli Affari Esteri del Governo Olandese, la cui missione è promuovere la cooperazione culturale internazionale. Particolare interesse ha suscitato il filone dell’innovazione sociale, su cui Matera 2019 sta lavorando, con un’attenzione particolare all’ibridazione tra arte, scienza e educazione e ad un programma bilaterale di residenze artistiche. Numerosi gli incontri effettuati con fondazioni ed imprese creative, quali il Pakhuis de Zwijger, su nuovi modelli di organizzazione degli spazi urbani, il Waag Society, Fondazione che sviluppa progetti frutto dell’incrocio tra arte, scienza e media, Mediamatic, - che si occupa di tecnologie e cultura, e con la fumettista Barbara Stok.
Sottoscritto il memorandum fra Matera e Sofia (2)
Il sindaco di Matera e presidente del Comitato Matera 2019, Salvatore Adduce, e il sindaco di Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, hanno sottoscritto nei giorni scorsi, nel municipio di Sofia, un memorandum riguardante una serie di attività nell'ambito delle candidature di Matera e Sofia a capitale europea della cultura nel 2019. Cinque sono i progetti che verranno messi subito in cantiere con Sofia 2019: un convegno congiunto da organizzare a Bruxelles, a maggio 2013, in occasione della riunione del Comitato delle regioni per parlare del futuro della cultura in Europa dal punto di vista della Bulgaria e dell’Italia raccontando anche i progetti di collaborazione fra Sofia e Matera che guardino oltre il 2019; uno scambio di artisti con residenze fra Sofia e Matera; una proposta di collaborazione fra la radio nazionale bulgara e Radio tre per portare in Bulgaria il modello organizzativo di Materadio, una esperienza che è stata molto gradita dal sindaco di Sofia; un incremento dello scambio di lavoro fra studenti; un progetto di scambio di mostre.
Uno scambio intenso e fruttuoso, che proietta Matera oltre i confini nazionali e getta le basi per la rete europea, di grande importanza per lo sviluppo cittadino qualunque sia l'esito della competizione ECOC 2019.
La delegazione materana composta, oltre che dal Sindaco Adduce, anche dal direttore di Matera 2019, Paolo Verri, da Tiziana Carlino, in rappresentanza della Camera di commercio di Matera, e da Emanuele Curti, in rappresentanza dell'Università degli studi della Basilicata, ha incontrato il project manager e project
Mata a Sofia per rappresentare Matera (2)
Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo.
"Un bagaglio a testa, un biglietto aereo ed una partenza segnata per il 24 novembre scorso, è stato il tutto necessario che ha accompagnato me, Riccardo Dirella, il mio collega d’università Vito Porcari e Emmanuele Curti, professore presso la facoltà di Beni Culturali, nel viaggio per la città bulgara di Sofia che, come Matera, è impegnata nella candidatura a capitale europea della cultura nel 2019. Noi due, con anche Egidio Ferrara, Maurizio Natale e Antonella Pucci, rappresentiamo attualmente Mata, gruppo flessibile di giovani studenti del dipartimento d’architettura a Matera coordinato dalla professoressa Ina Macaione, che in occasione della Sofia Architecture Week (SAW), in seguito alla proposta avanzata da Matera2019, ha presentato la mostra “Ex.0_cambiamenti di stato”, già allestita al Palazzo Lanfranchi di Matera per gentile concessione della sovrintendente ai beni storici, artistici e etno-antropologici Marta Ragozzino nel febbraio 2012.
Quella bulgara è una realtà ben diversa dalla nostra, che lascia percepire la grande voglia di rinascere dopo gli anni bui della dittatura sovietica. La cosa più sorprendente è la serenità con la quale questa gente sta riconquistando la propria posizione nel mondo ed i loro rapporti con questo. Immersi in questa dimensione abbiamo trovato felice accoglienza ed approvazione da parte dei tanti giovani che fanno capo all’evento della SAW: sono loro infatti che qui hanno preso in mano la bandiera della cultura consapevoli della forza rigeneratrice che questa possiede. La nostra mostra, che si fonda sul concetto che a partire da un oggetto di rifiuto si può generare qualcosa di nuovo ed inaspettato come uno spazio architettonico, si è inserita perfettamente in un contesto in cui la ricerca di una nuova vita costituisce il motore propulsore. Tra i tanti fattori che accomunano Mata e lo spirito dei giovani di Sofia, vi è, primo tra tutti, l’importante partecipazione dei bambini, cha saranno gli adolescenti del prossimo 2019, ed eredi della nostra attuale e giovane intenzione di rinascita!"
Materadio a S. Paolo Albanese (2)
Materadio è stata una serata indimenticabile anche nei centri per la creativitá targati Visioni Urbane. Ulderico Pesce, patron del Centro della Creatività della Val Sarmento, ci racconta la serata con gli ospiti di Sofia.
Aspettiamo con impazienza i video degli altri Centri!
- Titolo link 1: Visit the blog
- Url link 1:
- Campo aggiuntivo 5:
School partner:
Di Leo Biscuits
The path of Matera 2019 has involved the school community from the start. Culture, far removed from a traditional approach, has become an instrument to explore languages of the next generations, concentrating on issues such as memory and identity.
From here, the need to create a dedicated platform for education (text: Italian), in which, through innovative digital tools, you will find ideas and perspectives of the young generations plus the official Matera 2019 programme and initiatives in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education.
The project
TOGETHER, cultural inhabitants
Matera is a special place, which burns in all of us thoughts and emotions. Here we we realize the basic elements of the universe and the fragility of existence, the cycles of life and death and of natural processes. Here the emptiness and fullness, sound and silence, darkness and light are part of a harmonious whole which inextricably links man to nature: from caves carved in the Murgia plateau to the Center for Space Geodesy, overlooking the same plateau, without interruption.
Since this harmony of life and resist, concrete example of resilience as now, Matera is a candidate in the name of the whole southern Italy, southern Europe and all the southern hemisphere, to express and represent the forgotten cultures , those who have keys and values to unlock a deeper crisis - economic, cultural, social - hence the dominant cultures can not get out.
Starting from the extraordinary experience of settlement of Matera, the age-old tradition that is the heritage of our city, which has been able to recover from a condition very degraded, almost barbaric (like revealed to the world after World War II by the complaint of Carlo Levi) overthrowing his dilemma and turning it into a powerful opportunity in less than fifty years, we intend to work together to create a new "cultural inhabitant", a responsible and aware citizen that means the culture as a common primary good, ethic sum of humanistic, scientific and economic knowledge.
Numbers of a road map - September 2013
Candidacy topics
We see Matera 2019 as an opportunity to move towards openness in all of its multiple definitions: open, as in “accessible to all”; open, as in “freely available and unrestricted”; open, as in “not concealing one’s thoughts or feelings”; open as in “still admitting of debate”.
Open Future in 5 steps.
1. Ancient Futures
Matera has maintained economic practices and social and cultural traditions that now form the roots of a shared European development model; Ancient ecological practices and an agricultural economy based on sharing and co-working with neighbours, have been applied in a modern context. The rite of the Festa della Bruna and the centre of Geodesy space have existed here for eight thousand years. Now it is time to think about the next thousand.
2. Roots and routes
Matera and Basilicata have long been lands of passage, exchange and transformation: They are part of ancient transhumance routes, cyclical rituals and influences of Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Lombard, Arab, Norman and Swabia. These places have witnessed the immigration and emigration of Lucanians around the world. Leave behind the false and constructed world and enter the authenticity of "wild Basilicata".
3. Reflections and Connections
We aim to show that art, business, dwellings and environment are one. Ours is perhaps not considered a major event, but rather one of cultural citizenship, allowing surprising encounters and the imagining of new ways of living, culturally and economically. In Matera the time somehow seems to flow more slowly than elsewhere, allowing us to carefully reflect upon life and consider existential questions and core values.
4. Continuity and Disruptions
The exodus of the Sassi in the 50s and 60s has become an emblem of a breakdown, a crisis, a collapse of community; however it should also be considered a symbol of a community's ability to resist, re-adapt and continue to live after sudden change. Indeed, the path of recovery is not yet complete. We want to complete the recovery together with Europe, offering the Sassi as a place of experimentation for new technology, economies and ways of living, thus making the city a laboratory for the European creative community.
5. Utopias and dystopias
Matera is meant to represent itself as a city of forgotten cultures and values that challenge the largely ineffective orthodox answers to the European crisis. By developing projects that create value both economically and ethically, the city has produced a new model for cultural and social development. Matera tries to tackle the most difficult topics of urban life in the twenty-first century with concrete and workable answers, based on historic good practices. It is an indispensable Utopia.
Italian candidates
Perugia Assisi
Venezia - Nordest
European Capitals of Culture 2018
Valletta (Malta)
Imagine 18
With Imagine 18 as its central theme, Valletta 2018 will bring shifts in mentality, challenge to experiment, raise expectations both as artists and as audiences, and embrace permanent change to enrich Maltese cultural lives. This will be done by focusing on encouraging the participation of individuals and organizations from different parts of society.
The programme includes festivals and performances about science, arts, kids and youths, dance, theatre, food and many others topics. The concepts behind the events are driven by three main themes: “Island Stories”, “Future Baroque” and “Voyages”.
Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
The iepen mienskip - open community
The central theme The iepen mienskip - open community has the aim to connect different kinds of communities across Europe, both online and ‘in real life’. With more than 800 projects, the ECoC will show an idiosyncratic and committed community sensitive to and curious about each other’s ideas, opportunities and challenges.
The programme is articulated into three themes. Theme one is about how nature and culture relate to each other in the broadest sense. Theme two focuses on the relationship between city and countryside. The third theme is about how people live together in these places and how different co-existing cultures communicate and interact.
Concorso scuole

Elenco delle classi selezionate che parteciperanno ai laborarori creativi con le associazioni culturali locali:
2 E Scuola secondaria di 1° grado Istituto Comprensivo "Granata" - Rionero in Vulture
5 A Scuola primaria - Miglionico
3 B Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo "D. Savio" - Potenza
4 A Scuola primaria, Plesso "G. Marconi", Istituto Comprensivo ex "Torraca" - Matera
Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo Don Bosco - Rotonda
1 D Scuola secondaria di 1° grado Istituto Comprensivo "Giovanni Pascoli" - Matera
5 A Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo "L. Milani" - Policoro
3 B Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo "L. Guerricchio" - Matera
1 E Scuola secondaria di 1° grado Istituto Comprensivo "Giovanni Pascoli" - Matera
1 B /servizi sociali, Scuola secondaria di 2° grado Istituto Istruzione Superiore "Isabella Morra" - Matera
1 A /produzioni industriali ed artigianali, Scuola secondaria di 2° grado Istituto Istruzione Superiore "Isabella Morra" - Matera
3 D Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo "Palazzo- Salinari" - Montescaglioso
2 C Scuola primaria Istituto Comprensivo ex "Torraca" - Matera
2 A Scuola secondaria di 1° grado Istituto Comprensivo ex "Torraca" - Matera
1 F Scuola secondaria di 1° grado Istituto Comprensivo "Giovanni Pascoli" - Matera
I termini per partecipare al concorso sono scaduti il 02 maggio 2014
A tutti gli insegnanti e gli studenti della Regione.
La candidatura di Matera e di tutta la Basilicata ha bisogno di voi!
Abbiamo, infatti, progettato insieme al Biscottificio Di Leo un concorso per le scuole per far diventare il nostro territorio, protagonista del 2019.
Scaricate e leggete il regolamento del concorso. Avete tempo fino al 2 maggio 2014.
Bando di concorso "Porta la tua scuola nel 2019"
Guardate il video, ispiratevi e partecipate al concorso!
Tutte le scuole partecipanti saranno invitate ad una grande festa il 9 maggio 2014 e 15 classi acquisiranno il diritto ad accedere alla seconda fase del concorso curata dal Biscottificio Di Leo, che si intitola “Racconta il buono di Matera(2019)”, durante la quale verrà loro offerta l’opportunità di partecipare a dei laboratori creativi curati da tutor/associazioni del territorio che li guideranno per mano nella realizzazione di un elaborato di qualità che troverà spazio nella mostra dal titolo “Racconta il buono di Matera(2019)”.
La mostra verrà allestita nel mese di settembre 2014 per dare il benvenuto al nuovo anno scolastico.
Matera, Basilicata Article Count: 4
Matera, Europa Article Count: 7
Progetti e reti Article Count: 1
Noi e la Bulgaria Article Count: 4
The Bulgarian Connections. Durante il percorso di candidatura, Matera ha attivato un vero e proprio flusso di cooperazione e mobilità con la Bulgaria, con una proficua e prolungata attività di scambio e di cooperazione sia a livello istituzionale con tutte le città candidate, che a livello grass-root con musicisti, designer, video-maker, organizzatori culturali, licei, imprenditori ed emittenti radio.