Taking part in the Mammamiaaa community is easy and anyone can do it. All you need is to have a family recipe and be ready to talk about it. Then you just serve it to family and friends, so they can organise lunch, a snack or an evening meal.
The organiser has carte blanche: he or she can choose a recipe, place, time, and of course the number of guests. To contribute to the extensive digital archive of Mammamiaaa all you need to do is record the food tasting with photos and videos.
Mammamiaaa will be held in Matera in Spring 2019, with an installation organised by John Thackara called the Atlas of Social Food, a project in three 'courses': an atlas of social projects with a culinary theme, a forum of European social food curators to share good practice, and the collaborative publication of a Social Food Green Paper.
In September 2019, Mammamiaaa will organise a great supper of family dishes to build a bridge between generations, to tell stories about this region and celebrate the wonderful ways in which communities consume, produce and handle food in their daily lives.